Chapter III | Indominus Escape

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A/N: Hello All, so I decided to change the I.Rex's
name from Crimson to Spartan because it sounded better than Crimson and fits his persona.

Rex'sname from Crimson to Spartan because it sounded better than Crimson and fits his persona

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The next morning, Emily went to Spartan's enclosure. She slowly close the door and walks inside, she'd looked around for an hour for any sign of The Hybrid. She then saw a white tail swiftly moving back and forth, she walked over to the tail to see more and more of its body. She saw Spartan sounded asleep on the small forest floor, Emily couldn't help but awe at the sight.
Sure, she had seen him asleep multiple times. But it wasn't common as the I-Rex would stay up day and night, but would sleep in the afternoon.

Emily sat down on a log, waited for the dinosaur to wake up from his slumber. She waited for a while, until she heard a yawn. She look up to see Spartan stretching his arms and let out a huge yawn, he shook his head. His eyes are lidded, Emily giggled "Good nap?" she asked him. Spartan look at her and wag his tail, Emily stood up from her seat and crouch down to pet her dinosaur's snout.

"We have visitor coming today, and yes, one of them is Claire,"  Spartan snorted at the sound of that, Emily giggle "Yeah, I know. But she's my boss, so let's try to be a good boy Today, Okay?" Spartan grunted in response.

"I love you, Spartan." Emily informed him as she place a kiss on top of his snout. Spartan let out a whine that almost said 'I love you too', Emily stood and was about to walk away when Spartan grabbed her waist. Emily squealed as she'd met with a large chest, Spartan, now in a sitting position, started to lick her crazy.
She laugh so hard that she couldn't breath, Spartan let go of her. He stood on all fours and sniff her, Emily pushed his snout away. "I'm okay boy." she assured him while catching her breath, she stood up and examine her clothes. "I'm going take a shower, I'll see you later."

She patted his snout and walked away, as soon as she close the door. Spartan walked over to the door and curled up in front of the door, like a dog waiting for his owner to come back home.
Hours have passed, Spartan was getting agitated as he paced back and forth. He growled and snarled, clawed at his enclosure. 

Then, he'd got an idea.


Emily walked back into Spartan's enclosure, finally cleaned from Spartan's thick saliva and new clothes. She whistled for Spartan, but only for him to not respond, which was...odd. He'd usually visit her when he heard her footsteps, Must be asleep she thought to herself.

She then walk down the catwalk, only to see Claire and Owen. "We've been pre-booking tickets for months. The park needs a new attraction every few years in order to reinvigorate the public's interest. Kinda like the space program.Corporate felt genetic modification would up the "wow" factor." Claire explained to Owen.

"They're dinosaurs. "Wow" enough." Owen said, not amused.

"Hello Claire, Owen." Emily greeted the two.

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