Chapter XXIV | Half-Brothers

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It was already nighttime when Emily and Spartan head towards the nearest building, while traveling Emily was already half-asleep possibly from the purrs Spartan emitting.

He's been living out on his own for the past few years , then gets captured and drops to an unknown island but now he's overjoyed to see his mother once more.

Then he stops in his tracks, making Emily sat up from lying on his back. "What is it bud?" She ask. Her response was two roars which sounded like 'Burning bugs', sure enough looking up she saw flying insects that looks like locus being burned by fire, a few falling to their death. One burns Spartan's back making him screech at the sudden pain, luckily Emily kicked the dead bug off.

On all fours, Spartan booked into the trees while avoiding falling insects. But he stops when he caught a whiff of a new scent, a small hiss emits from the forest. In comes a black raptor but its larger than a velociraptor or any raptor — His black scales glow under the small fire as his orange eyes bore into Spartan red ones.

The I-Rex let out a snarl at the I-Raptor who did the same thing, ready to fight before hearing Emily say "Sombra?" The large Raptor lifts his head at the sound of his name, he knew this was his mother's voice but where was she?

Looking up he sees his mom on the large beast's back, he tilts his head in confusion, how did she get up there?

"Spartan could you lend me down please?" Emily asks.

With a reluctance snort, the I-Rex lowered his body for his mother to get down gently — Emily got down for her arms wrap around Sombra's. "I'm glad to see you too bud, I'm glad you're not hurt." But the Raptor eyes still glare at Spartan. "Oh, um, Sombra this is Spartan your half-brother. Spartan this is Sombra, you're both related." She introduce the hybrids.

Spartan was the first to step forward and sniff the I-Raptor's scent — He took notice that they're similar of sorts, similar quills and spike sprouts down to their tails, same posture but Spartan was bigger. Spartan then let out gurgle and grunts, Sombra response with a caw like that of a velociraptor and a wag of a tail. Spartan nod his head and let out a rumble.

"I guess we're friends now?" Emily ask with a nervous chuckle.

The brother stare at their mother before let out small roar of reassurance that they won't fight each other.

Then they turn at the sound of a car tumbling down, Spartan let out a roar as him and Sombra took off into the forest — Emily manage to saw them leave. "Wait! Boys!" With an annoyed growl she made her way towards the car where she's reunited by Claire, Owen and Kayla.

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