Chapter XIII | Reunited?

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'She look up to see something moving in the trees, she then saw two familiar eyes.'


The eyes bore into hers as the figure slowly move from the trees as the camouflage reveal Spartan to Emily as he snarl at his former trainer, air left her body as she locked eyes with the Indominus that stood three in front of her. She gulped before saying, "H-hey boy, did you miss me?"

All she got was a hiss as he slowly come closer with a huff, she took notice that he was two inches taller with scars on his face, chest, and on his left eye.

"Easy boy. It's me, mommy." She told him. He huff as he stood on his four legs as he let out a soft growl as his breath hit her face. Emily slowly lift both of her hands towards his snout while whispering that everything's okay, "Shh boy, everything's okay. I promise." She whisper as she place one of her hand on his snout.

Suddenly a sedative hit his neck that made Spartan screech as his clawed hand hit Emily that made her fall on her back, she sat on her butt as she saw the mercenaries surround them, their guns aiming at Spartan. "Lower your guns now." She told them, but they didn't budge.

Spartan's eyes glared at the men before him, with a hiss he felt a net wrap around his snout. He tried to claw at the net but for bolas wrap around his arms, using his tail knocking down a few mercenaries. Sedative hit his left shoulder and sides, Spartan fell to his left with a screech.

"No, no." Emily ran and sat down in front of Spartan as she stroke his face under the net. "I'm sorry bud." She whisper as Spartan slowly fell asleep.

She glare at the men just as Wheatley show up, "You bastards!" She screamed. "You knew he was alive!"

"Just doing my job, sweetheart." Wheatley said to her. He then told his men to load up Spartan on the helicopter.

"Wait! If you take him, I can't promise you that if he wakes up that all your men will die. And I'm the only one who can calm him down." She told him.

Wheatley let out a heavy sigh. "I'll tell you what if that thing kill my men, I'll shoot you and your dinosaur." Emily nods her head.

She look up to see the helicopter with a cage comes down to the ground as the mercenaries load up Spartan while Emily was literally drag into one of their Jeeps. They headed for the docks where she saw the dinosaurs being dragged into cages or being sedated into their cages.

Emily was ripped out of the Jeep while fighting with the men that's trying to hold her down, a loud roar crack the tension in the air. Emily turn to see Spartan now wide awake and was shove in a container as two men with rope around his snout while the third man strap a muzzle to avoid biting people, she then turn to see Blue who looks like she's in pain.

"Oh Blue," She mutter as she was lead in a cargo ship and thrown into a container where Spartan was. She got up and banged against the doors with a fist, when nobody answered she lower herself to the ground.

A guttural growl catches her attention, she gasp as she turns to see Spartan who let out a bellow muffled noise from his throat. She turn to look at Spartan who was half-asleep, his tired red-orange eyes look at her.

Emily crawl towards him and sat down next to him, Spartan lifted his head before placing it on her lap. Emily remove the muzzle from his snout, Spartan let out a screech and a yawn. "Does that feel good?" She cooed as she stroke his snout.

A small hiss came from his mouth, his eyes went from a slit to dilate at the sight of his trainer. A purr  came from him as he look at Emily, "You remember me? Is that what you're trying to say?" She ask him. She received a nod from him.

Emily chuckle as she wrap her arms around his snout, he let out a bellow as his tail wrap around her waist.


An hour has passed as the ship continue to sail through the ocean, Emily was curl up against Spartan's side. Her head lay against his side —listening to his heartbeat as she stroke his neck while tracing his scars he either got from three years ago or from fighting another dinosaur.

Her hand slowly made its way to his face and trace the long scar from his upper lip and down his lip. "I think we're heading for Lockwood Manor." She mutter.  Spartan let out a grumble along with a sigh.

"Whatever happens I'm gonna get you and Sombra out of that place." She promise.

Spartan look at her confuse at that name, his head tilted like a dog.

"Oh right, so um. You now have a half brother, and we must get him out as well." She explains to him.

Spartan let out a grunt in confusion, still weirded out by learning of his new brother.

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