Chapter X | Little Shadow

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Tw: Minor blood

Tw: Minor blood

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March - 2016

It had been months since the events of Jurassic World, the incident still engraved into Emily's mind. Even the death of Spartan, God she missed that Dino as much as a person miss their dog or cats. She missed hearing his small whines or roars whenever she scolded him whenever he did something he shouldn't.

Ever since the incident, she promised her father that she'll no longer works for Henry Wu or Claire Dearling. Speaking of Claire, she's now a Dino activist and not a snotty woman than she was months ago.

As for Emily, well, not all of us can keep a promise.


The silver pickup truck drove through the dense forest as Emily's grandfather Alejandro drove his granddaughter towards a mansion called Lockwood's manor where she's applied for a job. What is it? That she wasn't sure of.

Alejandro park the truck in front of the mansion to let his granddaughter out of the truck and into the large manor, it was indeed a beautiful manor with a somewhat of a museum with dinosaur fossils with diorama of every dinosaurs, standing in the middle of the room was a fossil head of Ceratopsian.

"Miss Blake." A male voice called out, Emily turn to see a tall dark blonde man wearing dark rimmed glasses with a smile on his face. He lifted his hand out for her, "Eli Mills."

"Emily Blake, well you already knew that." She reaches her hand out as the two shook it.

"You might be wondering why are you here?" Eli inquired.

"Yes." Emily answered.

"Well it's best if you head into the subbasement, you'll get your answers there." Eli suggested.

"Subbasement. Got it...which is?" She asked, Eli chuckled as he headed towards the direction as Emily followed the man down towards the subbasement where it was a laboratory of sorts. Now the teenager knows why she's here.

"Miss Blake, a pleasure to meet you again."  An familiar voice spoke up.

"Well shit." Emily mutter under her breath as she step forward to meet Dr. Henry Wu. "Good to see you again, Doctor Wu." The two shook each others hands.

"Is there a reason I'm here, Mr. Wu? I made a promise to my father that I'll never work with you again." Emily explains to the dinosaur creator.

"Yes I'm aware," Henry said. "But I have a proposition for you, would you like to hear it?"

Emily ponder this question for a moment, half of her wanted to reject this but the other wanted to hear this and wonder what this is about. Damn her naiveness. "What is it?"

A smile crept up on Henry's face, "Well after the events of The Indominus Rex, we wanted to create a new hybrid that we can use for military purposes." He pulled up a diagram of a medium sized dinosaur that looks like half of Spartan and half velocirapror. "It's called the Indoraptor."

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