Chapter XI | Sombra

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Emily's morning started off as usual; making coffee for her workaholic father, feed the animals before going to work herself. Today she was going to see Sombra at the manor and after that going to see her friends.

Today she wore a plain white blouse with a chain necklace with a plaid jacket with her hair in a ponytail with strands going down her temples with rings on her pointer, middle, and pinkie fingers on both hands.

She turns to eye her father who was coming down the stairs as he adjusted his belt buckle, "About time." Emily said as she pour the black coffee in his mug. "Hard night?"

Her father nods; "Went on a chase of someone tried to rob the local market." He replied.

Emily snorts; "Not surprise." She took a drink of her coffee.

"Any plans for today?" Her father ask as he took a drink.

"Yeah." She answered. "I'm thinking of going out with my friends."

"You know I don't really like your friends, especially Carmen who has a mouth on her." Her father said as he rubbed his face.

"Yeah, I'm aware." Emily reminded him.


After breakfast Emily took her car to Lockwood manor where her hybrid dinosaur stayed, she pulled up at the entrance where Iris Carroll, the maid, open the doors for the teenager to step inside. "Please come in Miss." Emily smiled and step inside. "I'll let Mr. Mills know you're here."

"Okay." Emily nods her head as she heads down towards the laboratory where Sombra's held. She wander over towards the dark hallway as she saw a large cage with a dim light above it. She steps towards the entrance of the cage, she stops three feet away from the cage. "Sombra?" A guttural noise broke the silence as a puff of smoke erupted from the shadows. Suddenly a large clawed hand revealed themself to her, she walk closer as she reaches her hand out for the clawed hand as it wrap around one another.

"How are you doing, buddy?" She asked, she saw his head tilt to the left with his eyes closed for a second. Almost to say: "Fine."

"I got you something." She rummage through her tote bag and brought out a bag of two meats. "You can have, my dad, grandpa and I are on a diet and can only have meat on a special occasion." She lower the meat on the ground and slid it in between the bars.

She saw Sombra's hand grip the bag of meat, she could hear the sound of crunching meat and the sound of a satisfied guttural screech. "Shh." She hushed the hybrid as she placed her hand out where Sombra sniff her hand before placing his snout on top of her, purring when she stroke his snout.

She lifted her hand up, chuckling as he open his maw and sticking his tongue out like a smiling dog. "Silly boy." She commented. Her eyes landed on a burn mark on his neck, she reaches her hand out and softly stroke it. A painful screech came from Sombra as he let out a warning growl at Emily, "Sorry boy. That must've hurt." She said. She knew of what was going on between the humans and Sombra, which made the hybrid loathing the humans except for her.

Memories filled he head as she remembers Spartan getting the same "treatment" as Sombra when he was a baby dinosaur, cuts and bruises lined his white scales. She felt bad for her hybrids, knowing that they each suffer at the hands of man which resulted of them becoming the monsters that haunt children's minds in their dreams.

A small chuff bring her back to reality as she look up at the hybrid, "You know, I used to nurture a hybrid just like you." She said to him. Sombra snort as he tilt his head in confusion. "His name is Spartan and he's...Your half-sibling?" She questioned. "Anyways I think you guys would've gotten along."

A rumble erupted from the raptor hybrid almost like a hum as he thinks about this, then a growl as he look up at the man which Emily look up that the man was Eli Mills. "Miss Blake, I though you were up here." He said with a smile.

"I'm just checking on him, sir." She said while standing up.

"Well, I do have a job for you again." He promoted.

"For what?"

"You'll see." Sombra let a noise mixed with a roar along with a hiss when Eli place his hand on her left arm. He scrapes his teeth along the cage bars, making it screech.

Emily smirked when she saw fear in Eli's eyes that was covered by glasses as he escorted her out the laboratory, she turn to look at her hybrid and mouthed out "I love you" she could hear the sound of his tail hitting the cage before going upstairs.


As she reaches the museum where dinosaur exhibits and fossils, she notice a familiar face that she haven't seen for a while.


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