Chapter XII | Old Friends

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The red-head turn to eye the now young adult who's walking towards her, a smile formed on her face as she brought her into an embrace. "How are you? Look at you, all grown up." She exclaimed as she place her hand on her shoulder.

Emily chucked at that. "Yeah."

"I can see you two have know each other." Eli said to them.

"Yes we did. Three years ago." Claire replied.

"She was my boss." Emily deadpanned.

Eli nods his head as he lead the girls to his office where a large computer desk as he stood next to it; " There was a tracking system in place at the park." He show the hologram of Isla Neblaur. " Radio frequency ID chips in each dinosaur." He explains.

"I remember." Claire said. For Emily she knew that Spartan removed his ID chip, which makes it difficult to find him.

"Right, so if we could access that system, our ability to locate and capture those animals safely, will increase ten-fold. We need your handprint to access the system. But what I really need, Claire... you." Eli explains. Now Emily feels left out. "Moving endangered species isn't exactly legal. But it's the right thing to do. No one knows this park as well as you do and we need that expertise."

"How many can you save?" Emily asked.

"Eleven Species." He replied. "For sure, I mean, more, if we can. But time is against us I'm afraid. There is one animal, in particular that poses a real challenge for us." He pulled up a profile of a familiar dinosaur.

"Blue." Emily mutter out.

" I didn't know she had a name. But Blue, is potentially the second most intelligent piece of life on this planet. And she's the last of her kind. She must be preserved." Eli explains.

Emily snorts. "She can pick up your scent a mile off. You will never capture her." She told him.

"Well... We thought you might know someone who could help. Maybe you two can convince him."

Emily smirks, she know just the guy.


Claire drove both herself and Emily towards Owen's property where the former Raptor trainer himself building a house, the girls get out of the car as they walk towards him. Emily smirked as she saw Claire fixing herself up.

"Hey, Owen!" Claire called out, but Owen ignored him as he continue building. "Owen!"

Owen groaned as he place his hammer away before he turns to the girls, " Back for more, huh?" He wave his hand, "Hey, Em."

"Owen." She greeted him back with a wave.

"Can I buy you a beer?" Claire asked him.

"You mean bring 'em, or we gonna like, go somewhere?" Owen questioned.

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