Chapter XVI | Sombra's night

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Blood was everywhere as Emily tried to avoid stepping into the gooey red liquid while trying to find her way out of the Auction room, she giggled when she heard an interesting noise that sounded like a burp.

When he's done; Sombra licks his chops while looking at what Emily's doing — Right now she's managed to open the door that went outside the auction room. Sombra walks forth to Emily with a snort, tugging at her now dirty blouse. "What is it, Bud?" She asked.

The hybrid gurgles when he turns his head at the door that leads to the outside world, "I know bud, but we have to find Spartan and my friends first." He growls at that. "Oh don't start now." She cooed while placing both of her hands onto his face and pressed a kiss on his snout in which he chirps.

The Indoraptor walks in front of her with his tail wrapped around her waist acting like a bodyguard. Well a Dino bodyguard. "Be on high alert, Sombra." She told him, the hybrid grunts in acknowledgement.

"Don't!" A voice spoke out, it belonged to Eli.

Emily stops Sombra by wrapping her arms around his neck. How's this man still alive?

"You two, deserve each other. Maisie, come with me." Who's Maisie? She wondered.

Sombra let out a hiss while blocking Emily's view with his body but she vaguely made out Owen, Claire and a little, she guessed Maisie along with Eli and two armed guards.

"You got your money." Owen spoke. "Walk away."

"What are you gonna do, huh?" He questions.

"We're gonna stop this." Claire spoke up. "All of it!"

"How? What, you're gonna go back in time before Hammond decides to play god? You can't put it back in the box!" Eli exclaims.

"We have to try." Claire argues.

"It's too late. Maisie, come." Eli ordered the young girl like she's a dog. But the girl clutches onto Owen's arm as she hides behind him. " So, you're gonna take care of her now? Huh? You have no idea what she is. What do you think drove Hammond and Lockwood apart, huh? Lockwood never had a grandchild. He just wanted his daughter back. And he had the technology." Emily let out soft but quiet gasps when she heard that. "He created another. He made her again." Eli finished off.

Sombra let out a rumble under his throat; Emily turns to look at her hybrid. "Sombra," The hybrid turned his head to look at his mother. "Attack." She didn't have to tell him twice as the Indoraptor pounced on the two armed men and killed them. Emily comes out of her hiding as Owen grabs her arm as they run from the place.


The four made their way inside the exhibit while being as quiet as possible in case the Indoraptor was here, dead bodies lay scatter across the floorboards — They instantly hide behind the Agujaceratop's skull when they saw the body being drag away, right behind the skull was Sombra chomping down the last of the human until his scent caught something.

He got lower to the ground and sniffed the air like a hunting dog — Hissing when he thought he caught the owner of the scent, but to be met by nothing. The group actually hid in the front of the horn structure. Emily thought she's going to be sick — She felt the same sense of fear just like she did three years ago.

Owen tried to reach for a gun the lies on the floor but Claire stops him when they heard Sombra on top of the Agujaceratop's skull — Grabbing the horns with his hands while sniffing the air, croaking out "Mamma" when he catches Emily's scent.

Then the walkie turns on as a voice comes through making Sombra look down to see the group and let out a screech. "Run!" Owen shouts out.

They did just that while the Indoraptor chases them and jumps onto the spiral ladder where Emily tries to run on, she screams when Sombra grips her ankle and tries to pull her to him. Claire hit Sombra with a lone railing — Making him reluctantly let her go but still chased him but lost them.

Sombra snorts and mixes with a sigh — Slamming his front leg while sniffing for the scent while croaking out "Mamma."


The group of four hideout behind an indoor exhibit until Sombra leaves the room — Emily could faintly hear the hybrid's call similar to a velociraptor. But she knew its him calling out for her.

Owen quietly opens up the control panel and turns off all the power — Making Sombra hide out in fear, due to being in the dark off of his life. The group quietly made their way through the exhibits towards the exit.

Then the lights came out.

Shit Emily thought.

Then Maisie screams out in fear just as Emily sees a black blur and glass breaking— Sombra launches himself inside the exhibit while attacking the group but avoiding his mother, breaking through fake trees and lights to kill them. Maisie manages to escape while screaming, Sombra pulls himself out of the exhibit. Clawing Emily's left leg while going after the little girl.

"Sombra no!"

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