Chapter XXII | Dino Market

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A/N: Skipping a lot of scenes because the Malta scene drags a lot than it should be.

A/N: Skipping a lot of scenes because the Malta scene drags a lot than it should be

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The market was buzzing with life; both from humans and dinosaurs. With the help of Barry the group located their selves at a Dino black market in Malta, the sight of seeing Dinosaurs used in fights or locked up makes her sick to her stomach.

Luckily she has an Indoraptor by her side as a Dino-Guard to protect her, "Stay by my side, ok bud?" She told him. Sombra nods his head.

"Girls, he's headed underground, see him?" Owen spoke through the earbuds.

Emily looks out to see Rainn and one of his men head outside where they are, the young adult grasp her hybrids neck when she saw him get tense and start to snarl. He tried to lunge out but his mother held onto him tight.

Until chaos ensued as gunfire erupted, Emily removed herself from her hybrid as they headed into the warehouse but for a truck crash into the building as a brick landed onto Emily's leg, causing her to scream in pain.

'Mama' She heard Sombra gurgle out, her hybrid was at her side as he swipe the brick away and dragged her to safety by the collar of her checked shirt. "Thanks bud." She said, rolling up her black jeans to see a nice scab wound. She hissed in pain, grabbing a bandanna from her pocket she wrapped it snugly around her leg.

She froze when she heard a snarl, slowly she looks up to see an Atrociraptor staring at her with a look that kills. It had an orange body with cream underbelly with brown stripes, its yellow eyes stare down at her.

It lower its body to pounce at her, she screams but stop when the raptor leaps in the but was slam to the ground by Sombra who bare his teeth at Atrociraptor. Both Raptors roared at each other before the Atrociraptor leapt onto Sombra and bit into his skin, the hybrid grabs onto the raptors tail and threw it into a crate of boxes.

Soon enough more Atrociraptors appeared, "Great there's more." Comments Emily. "Come on, boy. We don't have time."

She looks up to see a woman wearing a white dress starting at her, no really at Sombra who took his eyes off the Raptors and at the woman. "What do you want?" Emily ask while standing up, her leg was in pain but she got it moving.

"That dinosaur doesn't exist." The woman's comments.

"He does now." Emily said sternly. With a whistle Sombra gives chase at the woman in white who rans off while Emily did the same.

Unknowingly that a red dot targeted on her back.


While running Emily heard the sound of snarling, turning her head she sees two raptor chasing her, with the same orange raptor but accompanied by an albino raptor. "You've got to be kidding me." She said as she ran like her life depended on it.

She jump through fallen wood and through buildings to try to loose these raptors, the orange one leaps into the air to strike the girl but for only to get rip to shreds by Sombra.

Emily silently thanked her big Raptor for helping her, the albino raptor leaps onto the hybrid and claw him to make him bleed.

Sombra screech in pain and roll in the dirt to get the raptor off, but they wouldn't budge so Sombra slams himself to a brick building and grab the raptor by the head and flung it into a building.

While for Emily; She ran until she heard Claire call her in a back of a car, the young woman climb inside as the car was drove by a woman named Kayla Watts.

"Heads up I got a black one on our tail." She spoke.

The girls look up to see Sombra following them, already looking exhausted and wanting to rest.

"No, it's okay he's on our side." Claire assured.

Kayla rose an eyebrow, "You've got weird friends." She comments.

They've arrived at a plane, they got out and head inside, "You make a lot of enemies." Kayla spoke. "We gotta run."

"He'll be here." Claire assured.

Sure enough Owen arrives on a motorcycle with the albino Raptor on his tail, when he lands on a plane but only to be headbutted by Sombra and fell into the ocean.

The couple embraced each other before including Emily into a hug, the hug broke when Emily slide down to the floor where Sombra lay in front of her with his head on her lap. She pets his head and wipe away the dried blood from his left eye that'll probably be a scar now. "Thank you bud," she said. "You can rest now."

But that's the cam before the storm when the plane was attacked by a Quetzalcoatlus, Owen pulled Emily off the floor and onto a seat and buckled her in. Soon her and Claire were ejected out the plane as Emily's parachute went off.

She landed into a lagoon in the middle of nowhere.

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