Chapter XXI | Capture

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One afternoon, Sombra got out the house with a yawn and stretching his limbs since he just got up from a nap — He inhale the cold air into his lungs and let out an exhale, he grabs a piece of venison from his bowl and chew it up. Not liking the way it crunches in his mouth, well it was already half frozen.

The door open for Maisie to step out, "Morning, Sombra." She greets him with a scratch on his head.

She proceeds to head over towards the fireplace to tend to the logs while the hybrid adds more sticks, they jump at the sudden sound of a chirp—Sombra's eyes widen at the sight of Blue's baby standing in front of them without her mother. The hybrid walk towards the baby who greets him by rubbing his legs like a cat, he proceeds to lick his face.

Maisie stood up and slowly walks toward the baby raptor who backs away while hiding under his legs, "Hey." Maisie greets the youngling. "You look just like Blue, is she your mother?" The small Raptor tilted her head while staring at a piece of toast in her hand — Maisie manage to catch that, "This? You want to try it? Okay?" The teenager slowly lifts the toast to Beta whom snatches it with her jaws and devours it just as her mother comes.

The small velociraptor rushes towards her mother who nip Sombra away, he shriek and walk away from her — He knew she didn't mean it, she's simply protecting her daughter from humans or anybody who tries to hurt her.

Then Owen and Emily stood beside Maisie, "Maisie, don't move." Owen tells her. He lifts his hand up to Blue who snarls protectively at him, "Hey, Girl. Staying out of trouble?"

"She had a baby? That's impossible." Emily comments while her hybrid hides behind her, bother mother and baby Raptor growls at the humans. 

"She won't hurt us, right? " Maisie ask.

"Oh, you damn right she will." Owen responds. "Just breathe. If you don't, she'll think you're scared."

"I am scared." Maisie said.

"She doesn't need to know that." Emily told her.

With a call, Blue pushes her offspring into the forest. The baby didn't budge who wants Sombra to follow them, the hybrid just snorts and nods. Finally the baby moves as the raptors head into the forest.

"Their nest's gotta be nearby. Maisie, get inside." Owen orders.

"I'm coming with you." Maisie urges.

Owen turn to eye his adopted daughter, "What did I just say?" Eventually Maisie storms off into the house while Emily and Owen head off into the forest while Sombra takes the lead by tracking the Raptor's scent.


A few miles into the forest Sombra stops as he heard commotion, his lips curls up with a snarl as he sees men carrying a net with something inside into the trunk of their truck — He could hear the cries of the baby raptor inside. 

He books it while ignoring Emily's call, with a roar he pounces onto the trunk and grabs one of the men that drove off, in anger he slash the man and bit into his neck while hearing the man screams bloody murder.

"Sombra." His head snap up at the sound of Emily's voice. He snarls while waving his tail around.

Emily raises both of her hands up, "Easy boy. It's just me." She assures him.

He let out a whine as he crawl towards his mother, blood drips from his mouth — Emily tried to ignore the stench of iron as her hybrid cuddles into her chest. "Shh I know. She's means so much to you." She said while stroking his scales.

She then grabs his face with both of her hands, "Don't worry boy, we'll get her back to you and Blue. I promise."

Sombra huffs as he licks her face that makes her giggle.

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