Chapter VIII | Rexy vs Spartan

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The doors burst open as the others ran outside in the main street of Jurassic World after the death of Hoskin's at the hands, well jaws, of Delta. Before they could run to safety, Blue stood in front of them. Right behind them is Delta who hiss as she stare daggers at them while Echo showed up at their right.

"That's how it is huh?" Owen questioned Blue who just stare at him. He slowly lifted his hand up but Blue snap at him. "Easy." He said as he remove the headstrap from her face. A low purr erupted from her throat before it was replace by a roar.

Spartan then reveal himself from the buildings, anger boiled inside him as he saw he was betrayed by the velociraptors as he let out small roars that almost sounded like 'Kill them'. Blue turn to eye Owen while making small guttural noise before turning and letting out a roar, Spartan let out a roar of his own before throwing Blue into a nearby Cafe. Knocking the Raptor unconscious.

The hybrid let out growls as he eye the other Raptors, Emily then walk towards her dinosaur, "Spartan," She sniffled as tears welled up in her eyes. "Please don't do this." She pleaded. A small whine erupted from his throat as his eyes dilated for a moment before going back to their slits, both Delta and Echo screech at him for what he's done to his sister and beta.

Owen let out a whistle as both Raptor jumped and bit into Spartan's skin, he let out screech of pain as he spun around, trying to get the Raptors off of him. Meanwhile the others hid behind a shop while Owen hide behind the amber while shooting at Spartan, the hybrid manage to sink his teeth into Delta's side and threw her into a barbecue grill, setting her on fire. His large tail whacked into the amber while sinking his teeth into Echo and threw her away from him.

As they hide behind a shop, Emily and Claire watch this all happen before Gray told them "We need more."

"More what?" Claire ask, confused at the sound of this.

"Teeth. We need more teeth." He replied, the idea struck into her as the red-head grabbed a flair and a walkie before telling them. "Okay, so you just wait here. It's gonna be fine." She then eye Emily. "Em, you watch over them." The teenager nods her head as she watch her boss ran off.

A few minutes later Owen appear and hide with them as he place a finger to his mouth as Emily saw Spartan's head appear before it was slammed into the shop, almost trying to bite into it. The group hide deeper into the shop, Spartan's clawed hand made contact one again into Emily's leg as she scream in pain. Feeling the pain course through her veins and the blood running through her leg.

Then something caught Spartan's attention, he remove himself from the shop as a roar caught the other's notice the roar of Rexy. The T-Rex roared at Spartan who roar back at her, he was bigger and stronger than Rexy.
There's a slim chance that he'll kill her, he had already kill two Raptors.  The two carnivores charge at each other, biting and clawing one another. Spartan manage to bring Rexy down to the ground right next to the shop where the group are hiding.

The other ran off and hide behind a boulder where Claire's at as they watch Rexy let out weakly roar while trying to get up, but Spartan placed his clawed hand on her neck and snout before his teeth made contact to her neck. A certain cawing noise caught his attention as Blue ran towards him and pounced on his side, he tried to chomp into her but to no success as he tried to shake her off while letting out an annoyed roar but it was cut off as Rexy bit into his neck and push him into a building before grabbing him again and threw him onto the floor.

It was a game of ragdoll as Rexy and Blue made a helluva a mess of Spartan who was on the floor right next to the mosasaurus exhibit, weak, bleeding with parts of some building sticking out of him. He stood up, both of his legs shaking from the loss of blood. All three dinos let out a roar before the mosasaurus jumped out of the with its teeth into Spartan's neck, the hybrid let out a final screech before sinking into the water.

Emily stood there in horror at the events before her, the others came out of hiding. She ignored both Rexy and Blue running off, she just stood there and waited. For what? For Spartan to have magically survived and swam to the surface? She wasn't sure.

Then a hand met her shoulder as she saw Claire looking at her, "Let's get inside." She said, Emily nodded and wipe away her tears before following the other.

She turns to eye the exhibit before whispering out, "I'm sorry Spartan."

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