Alana Snow

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"Winter is coming..." Something I heard almost my entire life by living in Winterfell. The man who had raised me constantly reminded not just his children but myself also that harder times were ahead.

But how much harder could things get for myself? I was a poor girl who was constantly accused of being a whore in the making. Which could not be further from the truth. My true identity was kept a secret.

"No one can ever know who you really are." Lord Stark told me when I was of age to understand. "If the Queen finds out she will have you killed."

I looked up to Lord Stark, not because he was taller than I, but because he was the glue that held me together my entire life. He and the rest of the Stark family. Sansa, his eldest daughter was my best friend, but more like a sister to me.

I knew soon Sansa was to wed Prince Joffrey, but the idea of losing the only person who really understood me broke me. Although all I wanted was for her to be happy. The best part of her marrying the Prince was that one day she'd be my Queen. A Queen that I would never have to fear.

Alana Snow. Born in Winterfell to a mother who took her own life after giving birth to me. She handed me to Lord and Lady Stark and begged to keep me safe. Safe from my father's wife. My father, the man who knows I exist, but can't even look in my direction, is the King. King Robert of House Baratheon.

His last visit to Winterfell was 3 years ago, he came without the Queen and met with me in secret. A funny man, far from charming, but comforted me.

"Although you can not claim the throne, you are my Princess..." He told me as he handed me a necklace. "It was my mother's. Keep it safe."

"I can not accept this." I replied. "If anyone finds this they'll think I'm a thief, I'm nothing more than a commoner here."

"You are royalty Alana, you are my daughter, and I promise one day when Cersei is gone you will be safe to visit King's Landing. To see where you came from." He promised.

"Sansa says I can visit once she is Queen and she will protect me and keep my secret." I replied.

"Sansa will make a wonderful Queen." He smiled. "Until then you will stay here. The Starks will protect you."

I felt safe here. The idea of leaving had never crossed my mind. Until one fateful day. A day in which I wanted nothing more than to run away from this place. Never to be seen or heard from again.

Catelyn Stark was wonderful to me. She taught me to sew and showed me how a lady should act. She treated me like the Lady I was. She addressed me as Lady Snow, knowing good and well that I was nothing more than a Bastard child.

My long black hair danced in the wind as I stood on the outer of the castle with her. We looked down and watched the boys shooting their arrows. Lord Stark joined us and smiled at me.

"Who do you think is better with an arrow?" He asked.

"Robb and Jon are both very talented." I replied. "Hard to chose the winner."

He smirked at me as the boys laughed at Bran missing the target. "Try again Bran. Practice makes perfect." He nodded.

Catelyn scoffed and motioned for me to walk with her. I should have been taking lessons on sewing with the other girls but I had learned so young because of Cat. She kept me close by her side at all times. She took pride in showing me how to be a Lady. Cat told me from a young age that she would never turn her back on me and that as long as she was alive I would always have a mother to look up too.

As the next few days passed we had to prepare for the King's arrival. But this time it was his entire family coming. I feared that if the Queen took one look at me she'd know I was King Robert's Bastard child.

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