The Long Night

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As we arrived back in Winterfell it was the most relief I had felt in a long time. I knew it was the start of the war with the dead but being here, seeing my home, felt better than anything else in this world.

Stepping foot into the wet, cold, snow covered ground is what made me happy. Seeing the Stark banners draped down. It was home. Jon took me by the hand and brought me to the Hall, where Sansa was to be waiting for us.

She stood up and ran to my arms and noticed I was wearing Jon's cloak. "Take that off." Sansa went to pull it off of me and laughed when she realized my belly was poking out completely. "You're pregnant!" She cheered. "I knew it! I knew that's why you left with him!"

"The Maester in King's Landing said it could be any bit of time now." I replied with a smile. "I didn't want to write it in a raven for you, it was something you needed to hear in person."

"Well I'm glad you waited!" She hugged onto me tightly and then quickly released. "I don't want to hurt the baby. I'm sorry!" She placed a hand on my stomach and felt a kick. "I can't believe it!"

Reuniting with our friends and loved ones was a beautiful experience. Jon met with our bannermen while I went to find Bran. He was sitting in his chambers with another man when I walked in.

"Oh I'm sorry I'll come back later." I apologized to Bran.

"No, please, come join us." Bran pointed to a chair beside him. "We were just talking about you."

"Me?" I scoffed jokingly. "What did I do now?" I laughed.

"Alana, this is Samwell Tarly." Bran smiled at the man.

"Samwell Tarly..." I smiled and reached my hand to his. "You're Jon's best friend. I believe I had just missed you when I arrived to Castle Black last year."

"You did." Samwell replied. "I heard all about you. Alana Snow with eyes as blue as the summer sky."

"I see you and Jon have much to be celebrating." Bran chuckled. "Congratulations."

"Thank you Bran." I swallowed heavily. "I'm so happy to see you're alive and well. I was worried for so long."

"I know you were." He replied. "I saw."

"Saw?" I questioned.

"He's the Raven with eyes." Samwell replied confused.

"Three Eyed Raven." Bran rolled his eyes. "He's not the brightest but yet when it comes to books, he is. Odd isn't it?"

I couldn't help but laugh. Jon had once told me the same thing about Samwell, but he always said without Sam, he would have never gotten as far as he did, he said I had Sam to thank for us being together again once more.

"We needed to speak with you about a few things I saw. But also something Samwell had read about." Bran explained. "We know you are Robert Baratheon's daughter, but have you ever wondered where Jon came from?"

Confused, I replied. "Ned Stark?"

"No." Bran replied. "You realize that you are Robert's heir to the throne, correct?"

"I have a brother. Gendry, I'd rather he have it if it comes down to it." I replied.

"He doesn't ever want it." Bran replied.

"Jon's mother was Lyanna Stark." Samwell added. "His father was Rhaegar Targaryen... He's their heir to the throne."

"So you're telling me, that he and I, both... Have a claim to the throne..." I looked down. "You're lying..."

BLIZZARD (JON SNOW X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now