Winter Has Come

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10 years later...

"Mother!" Prince Jon shouted. "Mother! Lyanna is being mean to me!" He ran into the throne room whilst King Jon sat on the throne. I stood beside my husband and rolled my eyes. "Do something! She's mean!"

Lyanna walked in behind him and stuck her tongue out at him. "He's a cry baby! Aunt Sansa said-"

"You will not repeat what your Aunt has said, not in here, not right now!" I made her look around the room. Men and women were gathered all to speak to Jon and ask requests of him. "Go stand on the side of your father, NOW." I hissed.

"Yes, Mother..." She looked down and stood by Jon who looked at her and winked.

"She's in a mood today, leave her be." Jon whispered. "Do your best to be kind to your mother."

Lyanna nodded. "Yes, Father."

"Prince Jon!" An older man approached and cheered. "Princess Lyanna! What a wonderful surprise to see the entire Royal family here at once!"

"What is your name?" I asked the man.

"You don't remember me? Look closely girl!" His hair had gone white but had specs of red in it. His bright blue eyes shined in the sunlight and his tathered clothes reminded me of someone who we hadn't seen in many years.

"Son of a bitch..." I smiled and ran down the steps in front of the throne. I jumped into the arms of none other than Tormund Giantsbane. "You speak like an old man now. Even look like one too."

Jon jumped off the throne and was thrilled to see one of his greatest friends again. "How long will you be staying my friend?" He asked.

"Until I get sick of fucking southern girls." He winked at Jon. "I've bought myself a house down here, I've made it my vacation home."

"It's great to see you." I hugged onto him again but he tried to squeeze me. "Aye, easy there big guy."

"Don't tell me-" Tormund smiled. "Another one? You two are mighty busy!"

"It's been 10 years since we last had a baby, I'd say you're right- we've been busy ruling the Kingdoms." Jon laughed.

"I'd say it's about damn time we had another, my eldest just married and had one for himself a few months ago." I replied.

"Little Rickon? A father?" Tormund asked. "I am getting old!"

"He's not so little anymore, he met a girl at the Iron Islands, he's brought her to meet us and meet his father, I'm impressed. He really is his father's son." I replied.

I missed Rickon dearly but he was a grown man now. Living happily in Pyke, in line to inherit the throne after Yara. His wife is a beautiful girl named Belle. She has light brown hair, silver eyes, and a bright smile. They welcomed a son and named him Eddard Stark, although Rickon has lost all memory of his true father, Theon and I always tell him stories to keep the memory strong, stories that Rickon can pass to his son, and so on.

Theon never remarried. He still loves me and has vowed to never marry or have another child. I admire him for that but I'd wished he'd love someone who isn't me. I only want to see him happy again. After speaking with him about the dream I had many years ago I asked him what he would have named our son that died. Laenor, after Laenor Valaryon. A man of the sea. Theon admired him and the stories of him. I was honored to have carried a boy inside of me, although it wasn't long, but he was named Laenor in his father's heart.

Lyanna had found herself already swooning over Little Sam, who wasn't so little anymore. He had grown strong and brute. Unlike Samwell, who was still afraid to even touch a sword. I reminded my daughter constantly that we will never force her to marry anyone and she is to marry out of love when she is ready. She has assured us time and time again that the only boy for her is Sam.

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