Wake Up Jon

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At sunrise we hit the trails again. I could finally see the Wall in the distance it was much larger than I imagined and we were still a ways away from it. Rickon danced with excitement as we grew closer to the Wall.

Perhaps it was the motion from riding a horse for many days, but today I hadn't eaten, I barely drank water, I felt ill, like I could vomit at the thought of eating anything. My hands were shaking, I began sweating, when I finally jumped off my horse and ran to the nearest bush where I tried my best to vomit but only a bit came up.

"Alana!" Yara shouted as she chased after me. "Alana are you okay?"

I spit to the ground and wiped my mouth before turning to speak to her. "Yes." I coughed. "I'm fine, just don't feel all that well..." I replied.

"Alana." She touched my stomach. "It's hard as a rock."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"You're pregnant." She smiled at me. "You and Theon are going to have a baby."

No. This can't happen now. I was finally on my way to see Jon, I couldn't begin to imagine having to break news to him that I was pregnant. Married and pregnant. Neither with him. We had tried to have a baby together. I spent months hoping that maybe although I was bleeding, that a baby would soon come out of me and I'd have my own piece of Jon but now... Now it was to be with Theon, something I begged for, something I wanted for years now... But the thought of seeing Jon again made me no longer want anything with Theon.

I stood there blankly shaking my head to Yara. I should be happy. But then I remembered what the mysterious woman had told me years ago. I was going to lose this baby. I promised myself in this moment to not get attached.

"Let's keep moving." I replied as I climbed back onto my horse.

"I need to pee!" Rickon shouted as he jumped from his horse and ran to a tree that was nearby. "I'll be fast I promise!"

Rickon gazed at the wall and noticed what looked like a small army breaking through the gate. He came running back at full speed, terrified, completely frozen as he sat on his horse. He rode off toward the Wall, Yara and I following after him, but he was so fast. We tried our best to catch up to him.

"What's going on?" I shouted to Yara.

"Wildlings." She growled. "Fucking cunts."

"Should we turn back?" I asked.

"No! I saw the banners that were coming to Winterfell and trust me. You do not want to return there." She replied angry. "I refuse to let you get killed. I'll fight all these Wild Cunts to protect you and Rickon."

I chuckled and then took a deep breath. We soon approached the gate. We didn't hear screams it was just silence. I heard the horn blare and then someone came to the gate. Questioning us on who we were and why we were there.

"I'm Yara Greyjoy, I've brought Alana Snow and Rickon Stark." She replied. "Winterfell was attacked and Rickon's older brother is here-"

"Jon Snow." The man muttered. "What about the bitch?" The man asked as he eyed me up and down. "She one of Jon's whores?"

"She's married to my brother, Prince Theon Greyjoy." She argued. "She is a Princess and you will address her as such."

"Fine." The man let us in and then lead us to the courtyard of Castle Black.

I looked around and felt like I wasn't supposed to be there at all. Men stared at me like I was a piece of meat but others looked at me like I was cow shit in the middle of a farm.

BLIZZARD (JON SNOW X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now