Lady Greyjoy

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A part of me died when Robert Baratheon passed away. Another part when Lord Stark did. Bit by bit was chipped away following the death of Bran Stark. But as time went by a letter came sent from Walder Frey. A laughing notice. A joke. What was funny to him but ripped me apart completely.

Robb and Catelyn were killed for betraying Frey. Robb was supposed to wed one of his daughters but wed a common girl instead. The Northern men that Robb brought with him were also murdered. Robb's wife was also murdered and we were told she was pregnant. I hated that again just months after Bran's death, I was to sit Rickon down again and explain to him yet again about another death in the family.

This time was that his mother. His true mother. The one who birthed him and gave him the breast for the first year of his life was gone. Forever. Never to return.

As Theon and I sat down and told Rickon he was blank. He cried slightly but seemed numb to it at this point. This was just a new, strange, family tradition, of the sorts. Someone is killed that is near and dear to my boy's heart and I have to break that heart even more by telling him.

We held a memorial service in the Winterfell courtyard, for all to lay flowers and pour wine out of respect for those who have fallen at the hands of our enemies. Although per say, the Stark family became our enemy when Theon claimed Winterfell. But they never were an enemy to me and Theon knew that. He knew that they were my family, as much as they had been to him too.

"It's my fault." Theon said as we laid in bed together. "If I didn't betray them they'd be alive." The guilt was eating at him completely.

"If you stayed my love, you would have been mauled too, I heard they slit Cat's throat and stabbed Robb and his wife. They stabbed her right in the stomach. They went for the baby." So much sorrow was in my heart.

I imagined if that he been me, carrying the baby of the man I love, just to have to all taken from me, and for Robb, to have his wife and child killed in front of his very eyes. I pictured if Theon and I finally had our happily ever after. If we finally married, finally were expecting a child of our own, just for it to be stolen.

"I should have gone down with him." He wiped a tear from his eye. "You were always right Alana. I was apart of the Stark family. They loved me and cared for me more than my father ever did. I was so stupid-"

"You are not stupid." I argued. "You are my smart, brilliant, brave, kind, incredibly sexy and handsome Prince."

He blushed and chuckled. "You are more than what I will ever deserve in this lifetime Alana."

"My Prince that is all you, you are the greatest man I have ever laid my eyes on, and no one will ever take that away." I kissed him gently.

He took a deep breath and ran his hand through my hair and then grazed my face. His fingers were rough but his touch was soft. "I have something to tell you." He muttered.

"You're pregnant?" I asked jokingly.

He laughed and rolled his eyes. "No my love." He exhaled and then faked a smile. "My sister should be arriving tomorrow. She uh... She thinks we've wed and that you're hiding a swollen belly."

"Why would she think that?" I was shocked. I couldn't believe he'd lie to his sister about our life, about my life, I wanted so much to hate him in that moment.

"Well I told her we were engaged and looking to set a date to be wed and that I was hoping by her visit that I'd have news of a niece of nephew for her, she must have taken it the wrong way because in her letter she sent back she said she couldn't wait to meet my pregnant wife." He rolled his eyes and looked embarrassed.

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