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10 years later...

Lyanna Snow's POV

My father had always been the strongest man I'd ever known. All my life. He fought for me to be here and even when my mother had lost all hope, he showed her what love and life truly was. My father died and was brought back to life so that I could be here. So that all of the Kingdom could be here. 

In the last few years my father has grown weaker. Sometimes it was hard for him to walk long distances and others it was hard for him to put his armor on by himself. His bones were hurting, and his memory was starting to blur. Like water being spilled onto a fresh painting, all the colors or in this case, memories, mushed together. Some stayed while others faded.

As the eldest daughter from the moment that I was born it was my duty to learn all about the histories of Westeros to become prepared to rule after my mother and father. Queen Alana and King Jon Snow, the greatest rulers of all of Westeros. Who would have thought that the two bastards of Winterfell would have actually been royalty all along. 

My mother was the trueborn daughter of Robert Baratheon and my Nan, Cersei Lannister who is somehow still alive and well while my father has crumbled. I love my Nan but it isn't fair that she is elder to my father and I have to sit here and watch as somedays he forgets who I am. 

And my father... My amazing father... He was the son of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Lady Lyanna Stark of Winterfell. Raised to believe he was the bastard son of Lord Eddard Stark and some mystery woman, all along he had been the heir to the Iron Throne. 

Growing up all I heard from Mother and Father was about fate. How fate brought them together so they could rule in peace. So that they could keep the Kingdom happy and safe from all those who could try to put it in harm's way. Like my father's own aunt, Daenerys Targaryen who wanted to burn the city to the ground. Who threatened my parents and saw even me who was inside my mother's womb at the time, as a threat to her.

Today I'm here and I am strong. All because of my mother and father. I just wished that my strength could pass to my father. Things had gotten worse over the night and now I must sit and watch as he tries to speak with my mother, who no longer sleeps or eats... She just sits by my father and is afraid to blink. Scared she'll lose him... The man she loved more than anyone else in this world. Aside from my brothers and I.

My eldest brother Rickon, who I guess you could say is actually my cousin who was adopted by my mother has come today to visit father, who he grew up thinking was just his brother. My family is fucking complicated if I'm being honest. 

My mother married once before in order to save my brother from being murdered by an invader, Theon Greyjoy, who was actually madly in love with my mother, so he agreed to raise Rickon as their own son together. Rickon never saw my father as a father figure because he always had Theon and when he was old enough, he moved to the Iron Islands where Theon was from and now he is the King of the Iron Islands and has two children with his wife. And Theon for some reason is still my mother and father's sworn protector. Again... My family is fucking weird.

I sat in a chair across from my father. Staring at his body as he breathed. His dark curly hair now sprinkled with grey and looking lifeless as his beard had grown in too, looking very unkept. Not like the man I had looked too my entire life. 

Sitting in a chair grasping onto my father's hand for dear life was my lovely mother... Still so beautiful and elegant I wondered how she could still look as though she hadn't aged past 30 years. Although today her eyes carried dark circles and her cheeks were red and puffy. Somehow, by some miracle, she still managed to stare at my father and smile at him the way she always had. 

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