I Want To Be Yours

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Jon's words chilled me to the core. My heart could have burst from the sadness I felt. He told me once of the other woman. All I knew was that she was dead. The day we were reunited he told me that later he'd tell me the story. It has been years to which now he is finally telling me.

"She was a Wildling." He chuckled. "Red hair as bright as the sun." A smile went across his face and then dropped when he looked at me.

"You loved her." I muttered.

"I did." He replied. "For the time I was with her but even then- I couldn't bring myself to stop loving you. She hated that. She hated you. Wanted you dead- wanted to strangle the life out of you if I gave her the chance."

I scoffed. "What did I do so wrong to you for her to want me dead?" I asked. "I didn't leave Winterfell after taking the person I loves virginity- Which only was taken because you were leaving me. Forever- Or so we thought."

"That isn't why I did what I did Alana." Jon argued softly. "You know I laid with you that night because I loved you so much and I had no idea how to tell you. I still hardly know and we're married with two children."

"So why did she want me dead?" I argued.

"Because I called her by your name while I was inside of her." He muttered. "I was fucking her and when I looked at her- her face changed. Her body changed. Everything changed. It was you I was looking at and as embarrassing as it sounds it was the only way I had finished..."

"Why did you stay with her?" I asked nervously.

"I could ask the same about you and Theon." He replied. "Did you ever call him Jon?" He chuckled.

"No..." I muttered. "Although I did enjoy my time with him as I'm sure you enjoyed your little Wildling whore."

Jon's expression changed. "Don't you ever speak ill of her again or I'll-"

"You'll what." I grit my teeth. "Hurt me? Kill me?"

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "No." He replied. "I'm sorry I just still get a bit emotional."

I shook my head at him. Fighting back tears. "Forgive me Jon. I'm sorry if I'm being a tad unfair, seeing as I just birthed your second child and am recovering, and just now after these years am learning of your time with another woman. It sickens me to be reminded of a time where we didn't have each other." I explained.

Jon avoided going into detail about his time with her. But he explained that she tried to kill him multiple times. That she was a distraction for him, she kept his mind off of me, for most of the time. The moment he was alone or the moment he found a bit of silence between them his mind raced back to me.

For some odd reason I felt myself growing jealous. Jealous of a dead woman. She had touched my husband with her own hands. Felt him inside of her the same way I had. Longed for his touch and his lips. Fell in love with the man I had always loved.

I wanted to kill her. But she was dead. You can't kill what's dead and burned. Gone forever. As angry as I was with her I remembered which one of us was where. I was in bed with Jon. Who was my husband and our King. With not one but two children of his. I was the one who saw his face every morning when I awoke, and felt him inside of me whenever I'd asked.

She was nothing more than ashes in the wind. Exactly as she belonged. Cold of me to say but I had won. I won the greatest prize in this world. Jon Snow.

Two months went by I found that Jon felt a bit more open with me about things. He spoke to me often anyways but now it was as though I could never get him to stop speaking. We'd walk through the garden together at mid-day, the butterflies flying around us, stopping to sniff flowers, Little Jon wrapped in my arms while Lyanna held onto Jon's hand.

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