Allaria and Steffon

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The Castle was busy this morning. There was a small council meeting to which I did not attend, I was far too exhausted after that dream. It drained every bit of energy that I had in me. I paced back and forth waiting to hear Jon dismiss everyone. It felt like hours but I suppose it had only been a few moments.

One by one everyone exited the room. I followed in before Jon could get the chance to leave and I shut the door behind me. He sat there looking at me rather confused and asked why I was in there with him.

"We need to talk about something." I muttered softly.

"Let me guess-" He started to laugh. "You're pregnant?"

"No." I rolled my eyes. "It's about my mother."

"I thought she was dead?" He replied.

"She's not." I looked down. "I had a dream last night and Robert told me things. Things I don't even know if they're true but I want to speak to you before I go looking for answers from other people."

Jon smiled. "I appreciate you coming to me first." He rested his hand on mine. "Should we travel to Winterfell? Ask Bran what he sees?"

I shook my head. "I'm going to start with Lord Tyrion."

"What would he know?" Jon asked.

I took a deep breath. "My mother is alive. Or so- that's what Robert told me in my dream. She's alive because of me."

Confused, he raised an eyebrow at me. I debated on if I should even be sharing this information with him. If it was just a dream and meant nothing, then I was simply stirring the wrong pot.

Jon sat there ever so perfectly staring at me. His eyes locked onto me. He licked his lips nervously while he tapped his leg. In a room so big and a chair so tall, Jon still was the most amazing piece in that room. No matter how many statues, flowers, tapestries, or decorations there were. My eyes would always fall onto him and his dark curls that sat perfectly on top his head.

"How would she be alive because of you?" He asked.

"Because I spared her life instead of killing her." I replied sharply. "My mother... Supposedly..."

"No. No. No." Jon repeated a bout a hundred more times. "That's not possible."

"She thinks that me and my twin brother died, but Robert had sent us away because he wasn't ready for a child. He wanted to sit on the throne and do whatever he wanted without having children just yet." I explained.

Jon sat there shaking his head. "Cersei Lannister is your mother..."

"Allegedly." I replied. "If this is true my name isn't Alana. It's Allaria and Gendry's name is Steffon."

"Great." He rolled his eyes. "Why were we lied to our entire lives? What does everyone in this world have against being honest with their children? Or the children they are raising?"

I shrugged. Jon made a good point, he and I both had been lied too. We both had names that didn't belong to us and lives that we weren't supposed to live. Somehow we made it here though, still ruling the Seven Kingdoms.

Lord Tyrion was usually found in the library. I set off to there and I was right. He sat alone at a table with books spread out in front of him. His nose pressed to the pages as he read. Much like me, perhaps if Cersei is my mother, than that's where I get my love for reading from. From my Uncle...

I cleared my throat and smiled at him. He picked his head up and smiled back at me and cleared books off of the chair on the side of him. "Your Grace." He muttered.

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