The Stark Coin

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Little shreds of light were in my eyes as I tried to open them in the morning. The bed felt bigger than it did when I fell asleep. I reached my arms out to the side and Theon was gone. I dressed and went down to the dining hall to see that Rickon had already been dressed and was with Maester Luwin having a lesson while enjoying breakfast.

"Good morning Mother." Rickon said with a smile.

"Good morning my sweet son." I replied. "What are we studying this morning?" I asked while looked at the book Maester Luwin had out on the table.

"The boy wished to learn of battle, says he wants to be a fighter like his father and his old father." Luwin smiled at me. "He's a bright child. You are very lucky."

"I'm sure am Maester, he's a lovely boy. I'm happy he chose me and I'm even happier he has allowed our Prince into his life to care and love him as well. Prince Theon makes a wonderful father, don't you agree?" I asked.

He nodded. "He got the boy up and dressed first thing this morning before he left to continue the search for Bran, he is determined to find him Lady Snow." He replied.

It's been months that Bran has been missing. Theon has sent out search party after search party. Hounds and ravens but no one has found him. It's as though he vanished completely. Each night I felt a bit of Theon was missing. He was heartbroken and felt guilty for what had happened.

The cold came faster and faster. Each day I swore I had to wear another layer to keep myself warm from the chill that had arrived in Winterfell. I suppose all those years Ned had been right, Winter was coming.

Rickon was growing at an alarmingly fast rate. Sewing new clothes for him was a waste of time, for the time I had finished making him a new outfit, he'd only be able to wear it a week before he complained it was too short or too tight.

I went into Bran's room and started going through his clothes, seeing what would fit Rickon and what wouldn't. Thankfully Catelyn always taught me to never throw clothing away, save it, put it away somewhere safe because you'd never know if there is a child in need or if someone ends up pregnant, there will always be clothing for the child.

I felt bad taking from Bran but Rickon needed it and Bran's things were simply just sitting there, wasting away, while my son needed to be warm, needed comfortable clothes, clothes that fit.

"Stop growing or I'll have to look through Jon and Robb's old things." I smiled as I handed a pile of clothes to Rickon. "You're already too big for me to carry around now."

"Father says he can still carry me on his back." He smirked at me. "But he said once I'm too big for that then I can join him on hunting trips."

"Right he will my sweet boy, don't you worry, but you must learn how to hunt first before going onto a trip with him. He'll want you to be skilled, so he can proudly tell everyone that you are his son." I smiled. "How about you read on it with Maester Luwin?"

"Okay!" He replied and ran down the stairs to find the Maester and begin studying with him.

As I walked down the stairs to the courtyard I saw the gates open and Theon rode in. Another day of searching. Another day my beloved comes home disappointed in himself. The gates closed behind him and he hopped off his horse. I tried to smile at him but he shook his head at me. His eyes were red and puffy as though he'd been crying.

"What happened my love?" I asked.

"We found a body." He fell to his knees. "The boy is the size of Bran, burned, I can't- I don't know..."

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