The Sight

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Travel lasted weeks. Yara stole horses for us from a farm outside of Winterfell once we exited the tunnel. We had to keep a low profile for a while. Stopping deep in the woods at times because the roads were too busy. We were frightened that we would be taken captive or worse. Killed.

We were getting close to the castle. The air was colder and snow covered the ground. We built a small fire and cooked up some rabbits to eat. I bundled up Rickon and let him sleep curled up onto me. Keeping him warm with my body heat.

"I know the timing isn't best but I have been aching to ask." Yara spoke low as to not wake up Rickon. "Are you happy to see Jon once we arrive at the wall?"

I had tried my best to not get my hopes up about seeing Jon. He had taken a vow, he was no longer the Jon who would see me and kiss me or lay with me the moment he could. He was to stay away from me. Maybe just a simple hello. That's all.

"We shall see what happens." I shrugged.

"Come on Alana, you know deep down, you're happy." She replied.

"Happy?" I snapped. "How can I be happy that my home was yet again invaded, my husband could be dead for all I know, and I'm on my way to Castle Black in the freezing cold! Tell me how I am supposed to be happy?"

"I'm sorry Alana..." She muttered. "I just thought that perhaps you'd be happy to see Jon, who loves you, who never stopped loving you."

"How do you know Yara? How do you know about Jon's love for me? I'm sure he has moved on. He stopped writing me after all." I replied.

"No he didn't." She reached into her pocket and a pile of letters fell out. She handed them to me and looked ashamed in herself. "Theon was hiding them. I found them late last night." She added.

I flipped through the pages of each letter. Jon begging me to write him back. Confessing his love for me. How he can't sleep at night without the thought of me running through his mind. I was angry with Theon. He kept these from me for so long. Jon wrote to me about his days, times he thought he was going to die, making sure he had said goodbye to me incase the worst had happened.

She pulled one from her pocket that hadn't been opened yet but had the seal of Castle Black on it. "This one came last night. I found it before Theon did." She handed it to me.

I slowly opened it and my heart sank. Theon had written to Jon, telling him to leave me be, that we were to be wed and soon have a child. Jon was heartbroken, he expressed that in this letter. He begged for me to not marry Theon, he pleaded me for me to wait for him, that he'd find his way back to me, all I had to do was hold on.

Tears poured down my face. I tucked the letter into my pocket and looked up at Yara who was completely ashamed of herself. "He loves me." I muttered softly.

"He's completely in love with you. More than my brother ever will be." I replied.

"There may be a problem with that Yara... I haven't bled since before my wedding." I weeped. "What plans would the Gods have for me?"

"Jon." She added quickly. "You will have a child with him. I've heard from many people who claim to have the sight. You are overthinking right now."

"The sight?" I asked.

"You've heard of it before haven't you?" She asked. "You're a girl of the North, there was many just in Winterfell who had the sight."

"I never believed them." I replied.

"So you've heard things from them." She raised a brow to me. "What did they tell you?"

I recalled a day where I had been walking through Winterfell, watching Jon as he and Robb trained with swords together. The woman approached me and smiled at me and then began cackling in such an evil way.

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