The Battle Of The Bastards

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Castle Black was the coldest place I had ever been. No one here cared to see a woman walking their grounds. Understandably so, this is their home, and I am nothing short of an intruder to them. Something they had vowed to never touch.

I felt out of place here. But so long as I had Jon by my side, I felt like I belonged for a short moment, a moment that soon would fade the moment I took a step away from him. I watched as for days now he took care of what was his. His men. His brothers. His family. It was impressive to see the boy I grew up with, who was out casted and tormented for being a Bastard, grow up to become the Lord Commander, and a damn great one at that.

The gates opened wide and what I saw sent me to my knees. It was like the Gods had heard all my begs, all my calls, all my wishes. My eyes had to have been messing with me. There was no way it could be true.

Sansa Stark, my best friend, stood there smiling at me. I ran to her arms and picked her up and twirled her around.

"Alana!" She cheered. "How did you get here?"

"Me? How did you?" I asked with a smile on my face. "I'm so sorry that I never saved you... I didn't know until it was too late."

"How could you have known Alana? No one knew the truth behind Joffrey unless they were locked in a room with him." She replied.

"And Lord Tyrion?" I added. "They forced you to marry a man you didn't love."

"We never consummated the marriage." She replied. "Unfortunately I did with Ramsey... But that was against my will."

I hugged her tightly again. "You're safe now."

"I heard you married Theon." She replied. "Did he force you?" She whispered.

"No, he was lovely, a wonderful man and even better husband- for the half a day we were married." I chuckled. "Rickon really looked up to him while we were together."

"He's not the same anymore." She replied. "He was tortured by Ramsey. He's a shell of who he used to be now, but when I escaped he did too, he went to Pike to be with his family."

"I'm glad he did. Yara brought me here and I've never been happier." I looked at Jon and smiled as he spoke with another man. Once he noticed who I was talking too he came running over.

He lifted Sansa into the air like she was completely weightless. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He laughed. "Not a single one of you can live without me huh?" Hearing Jon crack jokes made this shitty place feel like home, the home I remember, when we would all pick on each other and laugh, we had no worries aside from who would sit in what chair during dinner.

"I need your help. All the help you can spare." Sansa replied. "We need to take back Winterfell."

"Say no more." Jon replied in an instant.

Jon went off and began speaking with his men, gathering as many as he could for the great battle to come. I sat with Sansa like we did before, we spent hours talking about all that had happened to us since we last saw each other. She told me how beautiful King's Landing is, but how ugly the people are, how horrible they treat each other and how you can not trust anyone.

My story for her hadn't been as awful as hers was. I felt bad when I began to complain about what I had experienced because no where did it touch the horrible things she had seen and felt in our time apart.

"I always knew there was something between you and Jon." She giggled. "You must be happy to be with him now."

"I don't know if we are actually together or not." I swallowed hard. "I mean we've kissed a few times but that's all. If two people are really together don't they do more? Don't they show it off to those around them? Talk about it at least?"

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