Mother of Winter

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The ocean water was beautiful. The way the waves built up and then crashed onto the sand. The way the birds flew over and sang their songs. Whispers of the great sea. The salty air calmed my nerves. Seeing how the water went from blue to a white foam on the ends as it crashed and fell, always in sync.

Staring off into the distance as the sun laid halfway in the sky I collected my many thoughts after seeing Theon again. I had every right to be angry with him, didn't I? He left me for death. He left me to fend for myself. Then after not seeing him for a year he think he can just come back here and own me again.

Soft footsteps approached behind me. I turned to see Missandei, the Queen's advisor, standing there smiling at me. She was the beautiful girl I had met when we arrived. She had sweet, doe like eyes, and a smile that could make even the worst of times seem better.

"I like to come out here to think about things too." She muttered softly. "I heard what happened when Prince Theon came to the shore. I'm sorry that he is the man who did those awful things to you."

Looking back at the distance ahead I replied. "For so long I believed he did nothing wrong. I defended every action he did. Invading my home, pressuring me to marrying him, having me feel unsafe, sending me to the wall, placing a baby in me that wasn't meant to be, then never hearing from him again. Not even sending me a raven."

"You wanted to believe his intentions were good. No matter how much bad he did you saw the good in him." She replied. "We are human, it is in our nature to want to believe so badly that everyone is good in this world."

"Has there been someone who's made you realize that?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "You seem to know exactly how I am feeling."

She looked down and took a deep breath then looked back up at me and made sure no one was around. "She wants to kill them all." Missandei's voice was cracking as she spoke. "She will show them no mercy. No matter what anyone tells her."

I whispered to her so softly to be sure no one would ever hear. "Are you saying your allegiance is shifting?" I pointed to the ocean to pretend that's what we were talking about, just incase anyone was watching.

Her face dropped when she looked at me. Her doe eyes held so much fear in them. "Yes." She replied softly. "She is at the battle right now. But I am scared, Khaleesi."

"Please just call me Alana, I promise I won't take offense." I giggled but then went back to being serious. "For the Long Night, come with us, to Winterfell- that is."

"Will we be safe there?" She asked.

"We will take cover in the crypts and with Jon fighting those Walkers, we will be safe." I replied. "You can meet Sansa, my best friend. She's lovely she really is."

She looked frightened. "Have you seen them? The Walkers?" She asked.

I shook my head. "When I was a child there was an old wet nurse who used to come in at night and tell us stories before bed. She would say that beyond the Wall, many, many, years ago the dead began walking and killed all in their path. Trying to take out man as we know it. Blue eyes, ice for skin, they looked rotten, like they had began to decay but didn't. They couldn't speak and didn't know when to stop. Just kept going, until the First Men figured out how to stop them, although we don't really know how."

"That sounds frightening to hear before bed." She replied.

"Oh it was." I began to laugh. "Sansa and I would sleep together and scream and cry from nightmares all night. Her mother would throw a fit with the nurse each time it happened."

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