A Prince Is Born

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Walking through the halls of the Red Keep was still unusual to me. It took a few months for it to feel like home, it hadn't settled in for a while that I was going to live here forever. The large archways that brought you from room to room, the how open it was and how warm it was being in the South.

Sansa and Ser Jamie had welcomed a little girl to the family and named her Aemma Lannister. She had Sansa's red hair but Jamie's attitude already, she was a pretty girl and she knew she was.

Jon and I have taken the six kingdoms by storm, we all live in peace and harmony, although it's been a year all the people have agreed that there hasn't been a peaceful ruler in such a long time, that perhaps we are the most peaceful to date.

Samwell has become our Grand Maester for our small council. Hand of the King was a position we thought deeply about. We spent many days going back and forth with our options when finally we landed on Tyrion Lannister, who has never steered us wrong. Master of coin position was given to Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, while Master of Whisperers became the perfect job for Arya since she became a faceless man and can disguise herself as anyone.

Master of Laws was given to none other than my brother Gendry. I knew he had grown up differently than I had, but he had a strong head on his shoulders, he knew right from wrong and knew how to protect not only himself but others as well.

The position for Master of Ships was without a doubt the easiest choice had ever made. Ser Davos Seaworth, who was previously nothing more than a wanted smuggler, now was apart of our small council. Guiding us through this crazy thing called life.

Lastly we spent many of days and many of nights arguing about who our Lord Commander of the Kingsguard should be. We debated on it being Ser Brienne of Tarth or Ser Jorah Mormont. We spoke with Ser Jorah and asked his plans, if he wanted to stay in King's Landing or travel about.

"I'm going to the Night's Watch." He told us. "My father ate, bled, and breathed for the Night's Watch. To honor him, I'm going to take his position there."

We respected his choice. Brienne made it known to us that she was going to stay with Sansa as apart of her small council. We wished her the best of luck and let her know that she would be welcome to visit whenever she wanted. That she always had a home here with us.

That was when it hit me. Who deserved most out of anyone to protect us until their dying breath. Who owed a debt to us. Who would serve us loyally and passionately. Jon and I both agreed the moment I spoke the name.

We called this person to the throne room. Jon sat on the throne and I stood beside him. The rest of our council stood below and stared at this person entered the room. I smiled and tried my best to contain my happiness.

"Your Grace... Your Grace..." He bowed to us.

"Theon Greyjoy." Jon stood up and spoke with a smile. "Do you know why we've called you in here today?"

"No, Your Grace." He replied.

Jon looked at me and nodded. "You have been chosen as our Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. Do you accept?" I asked.

"I'm not a Knight? Don't you have to be a Knight?" He asked.

"Aye." I replied. "That's where he, comes in." I looked over to another small doorway behind me and Ser Jamie walked out and approached Theon.

"Kneel, Theon Greyjoy." Jamie said with a smile.

Theon knelt to the ground and placed his head down. "In the name of the Warriorm I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent." He tapped each shoulder with his sword as he spoke. "Arise, Theon Greyjoy, a knight of the six kingdoms."

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