Cersei Doesn't Know

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As we docked for King's Landing my heart sunk at the thought of having to meet with Cersei. Someone I had been hiding from my entire life. I remembered Cat's words to me when Cersei and Robert had arrived in Winterfell all those years ago. Keep your eyes down. Don't let her look you in the eyes. If she looks into your eyes she will know.

I clutched onto Jon's hand. "Nervous?" He asked.

"Aren't you?" I replied.

"I'm not King Robert's daughter." He laughed. "I'm also not the one who's pregnant."

"Unable to hide it, pregnant." I looked at my stomach and realized how much during this journey it had grown. "I guess I do look like my father now."

Jon looked at me and laughed uncontrollably. "One thing I have always loved about you is how much you make me laugh. You always have."

Getting off the ship felt like stepping into a new world. Everything in King's Landing was so close together. The Castle matched the style and structure of all the houses. I had never seen anything like it. It was so warm here I could tell Jon was sweating a bit in his cloak but kept it on because of his pride.

We had to walk through the gardens, I wished we could have stopped to view more but we had to keep going, the meeting was to be held in the Dragon Pits. Tyrion had given us all a small history lesson on these pits as we walked there but I was frustrated by how far away everything is from the other in King's Landing.

Jon and I held arms together as we strolled into the Dragon Pit. We chose seats side by side and were surrounded by those we trusted most, well, those we trusted most who were with us during our travels.

Seeing Cersei made my stomach turn but seeing Ser Jamie? Oh my- how he was a handsome man. Sansa and I used to listen to the stories of him, the King Slayer, and we used to dream of someday marrying him, things we did as stupid girls.

I remembered the day we saw him in Winterfell and both of our jaws had dropped at the sight of him. I could always tell that Sansa had taken a liking for him but I assume now after what happened with Joffrey she must be disgusted by him. It was his bastard son anyways.

"Who is this with you Jon Snow?" Cersei asked.

"This is Alana, my wife." He replied.

"The girl who served the Stark family back in Winterfell? You married her?" She asked with a confused look on her face. "What would a King want with a whore?"

"She was a Princess before we wed." He replied. "She had been married to Theon Greyjoy."

Cersei's eyes landed on Theon and she scolded him. "Dare I ask what happened there?"

"It was a bad time in my life." Theon replied. "I did awful things to people who did not deserve it. Alana being one of them."

"Trauma makes for a better ruler." She replied. "Pleased to see you again Lady Snow."

"Queen." Jon added. "She is Queen of the North."

"Right." Cersei chuckled sarcastically. "She's also pregnant I see?"

"Yes, Your Grace." I replied.

"Your first I'm assuming?" She asked.

I shrugged. "It's complicated." I replied. "Enough about me though, I don't really do well with uh-"

"Small talk." Cersei added. "Neither do I, but the conversation was a tad interesting, don't you think?"

I chuckled. "A bit."

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