The Pack Survives

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Traveling down the King's Road with a baby isn't as bad as I had thought it would be. Seeing the country side and the views as we road was peaceful. We stopped to rest at a camp one night and Jon and I could no longer take it, we hated waiting.

My body longed for his touch. Arya took the baby into a tent with her while they slept so Jon and I could have one night... Even for just a few hours... One night to ourselves. No worrying about what may or may not happen. No waking up every few hours to console a crying babe, just he and I.

We laid down together. Jon's hands exploring every bit of my body. His lips pressed against mine. My hands intertwined into his curly hair. I begged him to get closer and closer to me.

"Any closer and I'll be suffocating you." He still hadn't been fucking me yet. I pulled him down. His chest pressed against mine. Or hips lined up together.

"Is this enough of a hint?" I asked sarcastically.

He exhaled and then stuck himself right inside me. I rolled my eyes back and cried out his name. I moaned louder than I ever had. Jon was fucking me like he had never before. The look in his eyes was different this time. Although we always made love with passion for some reason this was like nothing before.

I dug my nails into his back and wrapped my legs around his waist. My back arched and I couldn't stop. I couldn't let him go. Every time he slowed down I begged for him to speed it up again. Feeling him inside of me was the most pleasure I would ever feel.

"I love you so much Jon." I panted. My breathing was so heavy. I moaned out more and more.

Jon bit his lip and then kissed me. Sliding his tongue about in my mouth before pulling away slightly. "I love you more Alana. I always have and I always will."

He sped up to full speed. I'm sure the entire camp could hear what was going on between their King and Queen. But I didn't care. As long as I had Jon by my side I did not care about anything else. Aside from our daughter.

After we finished we laid awake giggling together. Making jokes and laughing like we used to when we were young. I looked at him and my mind still hadn't fully wrapped around the fact that he was a King.

"King Jon." I muttered.

"Queen Alana." He replied with a smirk on his face.

"Do you see what you've done to me?" I asked with a smile. "You've made me a wife, a Queen, and a Mother."

"I didn't make you a mother." He replied. "Rickon did when the first time he clung onto you. I remember that day very well."

"You do?" I asked.

Jon nodded. "It was right after his first name-day." He explained. "We were all out in the courtyard playing and he had just learned to walk. He wanted to catch up with Bran but his little legs failed him. He tripped and fell right onto his face. Mouth full of mud and dirt." He chuckled. "You ran over to him to see if he was alright and he jumped into your arms and stayed there all day and even all night. He slept in bed with you. I remember because I snuck into your room and sat there. I watched to make sure you were both okay."

"You really loved me back then, didn't you?" I asked.

"Alana did I ever tell you about the day I fell in love with you?" He asked.

"I don't think you did." I replied.

"You and Lady Stark were walking together through the outer part of the castle. Watching what all of us boys were doing. Lady Stark yelled at Bran for throwing rocks at Robb and then she yelled at Robb for throwing the rocks at Theon." He started to laugh and then swallowed. "You stuck by her side until you realized that Bran was about to throw another rock. I don't think Bran even knew what happened, it was so fast, you came running down through the courtyard and caught the rock in mid-air as it came hurdling at my face. Do you remember that?"

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