Queen Of The North

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Snow gently fell from the sky as I walked alone to the weirwood tree. It's red leaves danced in the wind, just as the always did. A quiet spot where I used to sit and collect my thoughts, especially when King Robert came to visit. Knowing I couldn't have a real bond with my father tore me apart at times. But now knowing he is dead and I would never in a thousand years have a bond with him was even worse.

I placed my hand on the cold tree trunk and smiled. I remembered the times out here where it would have all began to be too much for me and Lord Stark would sit with me and let me cry to him about my father, to which he'd then tell me stories about my father that would make me either wish I knew him better or wish I didn't know him at all.

The snow on the ground below crunched behind me. I looked up to see Jon standing there smiling at me nervously. He walked slowly to me and took me by the hands. His were trembling as he used all his might to hold mine steady.

"It's been a long time since we've been in this exact spot." He looked down at the ground and moved a bit of snow with his foot. "About right there to be exact." He smiled.

"You're such a charmer Jon Snow." I replied. "Why did you ask to meet here with me?" I asked as I inched closer to him.

He took a deep breath and looked up at the tree's leaves and then back down at me. "My father once told me that life isn't worth living unless you take risks" He muttered. "When's the last time you took a risk Alana?"

"The last time you and I were here under this tree together." I giggled. "That was the only risk I ever took. Being here with you."

"I want to take a bigger risk." He swallowed hard. The cold breeze was kissing my face, but the warmth of Jon's presence made me forget how badly the cold truly was. "I want to marry you Alana. Right in this spot. Before it's too late- before something else comes along and takes that moment away from us."

"Are you asking me to marry you?" I asked.

"Yes Alana. I'm asking you to marry me. So please- Will you marry me? Right here, right now." He begged.

"Now?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied. "The septon can marry us now. He's waiting just over there, all you have to say is-"

"Yes, Jon. Yes." I kissed him and smiled. "Tell him to come now. I want to marry you."

"Good." He smiled back at me and then waved for the septon to come forth and marry us.

The septon annuled my marriage to Theon, it no longer existed, it was done, over. He then opened the book and wrote down our names. Jon Snow and Alana Snow. "Would you like to stay Snow?" He asked us.

"Yes." We both replied.

"Wonderful." He replied.

We held hands together, staring into each other's eyes, smiling. I couldn't hold back the tears, this moment I had wanted since I could remember, was finally true and finally happening. I gazed into his big brown eyes and knew that this was out of true love. This wasn't just for protection for myself and Rickon's lives, this was real.

Once we spoke our vows we kissed and knew what we were to do next. The Septon wrote down that we were officially married. Seeing my name beside his made my heart flutter like the butterflies in the spring.

The Septon walked back to the castle. I tried to walk back when Jon grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back under the tree.

"We did it Alana." He giggled as he rocked me back and forth in his arms. "In our sacred spot."

BLIZZARD (JON SNOW X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now