The Dream

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My dream had been so odd. I was back in Winterfell, young again, outside my window I could hear Lord Stark calling out to the boys below. I ran outside to find him smiling at me. He wished me a good morning and turned to look back at the boys. Calling out to them as they shot arrows.

Jon teaching Bran while Robb and Rickon watched. Theon fetching arrows for them and looking up at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "So which one is it?" He asked.

"Huh?" I replied.

"Which one is it you're seeing?" Ned asked. "I know you've caught the attention of one of these boys. I'm curious to which."

"Jon." I replied with a smile.

"Good." He pat me on the shoulder. "How it should have always been." His touch was cold, almost hauntingly cold.

"Are you real?" I asked. "Or is this happening inside of my head?"

He chuckled. "Well of course it's happening inside of your head. It's a dream Alana. A dream of another world where you got Jon first. Where he never leaves for the Wall. Where I sit him down with Cat and tell him the truth. Set my family on the right path." He explained. "A dream where you will learn the truth about yourself."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can't be the one to share it with you." He replied as he walked away although it looked as though he was floating as he walked.

I ran down to the courtyard to find Jon standing there smiling at me. "He's coming to see you." He muttered.

"Who is?" I asked.

Jon turned his head and looked behind me. "Lyanna! Jon!" He cheered as our two children came forward. Lady Stark holding Jon in her arms and Lyanna running ahead of her. He kneeled to the ground and caught Lyanna in his arms and kissed her all over her face.

"Lady Stark!" I cheered. "How are you here?" I asked.

"I'm wherever you need me to be." She replied. "How is Rickon?" She asked.

"He's right there." I pointed to where he had been sitting but he had vanished. I turned back and Theon was gone too. "At least he was."

Catelyn smirked and looked over her right shoulder. Theon was showing Rickon the proper way to hold a sword. But Rickon was no longer a small child. I caught my own reflection in a puddle below and I was grown again. No longer a teen like I was when Cat and Ned were still in Winterfell.

"You did everything right with Rickon. I'm so thankful he had you." She smiled. "You grew up to be a wonderful mother, you raised a boy who wasn't yours. You and Theon both, were the best parents to him. You still are."

"I never thanked you for being the best mother to me." I replied. "I'm only wonderful because of you."

"I should have apologized to Jon before I left this world." She muttered. "Do you think he'd forgive me?"

I nodded with tears falling from my eyes. "He lives a happy life. Very happy. But he'd be happier knowing you are proud of him."

She nodded and walked over to him. His smile grew and tears fell down his cheeks. I felt a tapping on my shoulder. It was Robb. He stood there with a goofy grin, up to no good, and he jokingly pushed me.

I pushed him back and then looked at my hands. Blood. So much blood. He looked at me and his smile faded. My hands were soaked and shaking. "Why?" I asked him softly.

He shrugged and put his head down. "It's how I died. It's how you think of me. You can't shake the fact that I was stabbed and slaughtered."

"You didn't deserve it." I muttered. "You were stupid for what you did but you shouldn't have died over it."

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