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Jon leaving for the wall sent me into a downward spiral. I was depressed and didn't want to see anyone. I stayed in my room. It was quiet after King Robert left and Sansa and Arya being with him meant I was the only girl left here.

Cat took off not long after and left Robb in charge of Winterfell. I sat alone often. Wondering if I'd ever see Jon again. Checking every Raven that flew over to see if they had a letter from him for me. But nothing.

I missed him. I missed him more than anything. I tried each and everyday to think of a way to see him again, to feel his touch, to sleep with him again. But nothing was logical. Nothing at all.

The saddest part was that Jon and I's plan didn't work. I've bled twice already since he left, which meant I wasn't carrying his child. I was angry. I wanted a piece of him to be with me at all times, but there was a reason it didn't work, a reason I wouldn't see for a long time.

Robb and Theon loaded their carts and started their journey to fight for the North and take down the Lannisters. I minded my business. I was a Baratheon by blood but all I'd been raised a Stark all my life, in my heart I knew when the time came for war that I'd have to stand by my people, but who are my people? Do I stand by my father, the one who created me? Or the father who raised me? Who loved me?

I replayed the last words Ned spoke to me before he left for King's Landing. They had stuck with me all this time while I've missed Jon. "Alana you are my eldest daughter, not by blood, not my bastard, nor Cat's bastard. You are our daughter and the day the sun rises in the West and sets in the East, the seas go dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves, only then will that be the day you are not our daughter."

These words were kept safe in my heart. Whenever I started to feel down I remembered the proud look on his face. The way he hugged me the way a father does his daughter. For some reason this goodbye with him was different than any other goodbye we had ever shared together. He'd been on travels before, he'd been gone for months before, but this felt strange. Like it was a forever kind of goodbye.

Maester Luwin came and handed me a letter from a raven, it was from Jon, I was so excited to see what he had to say but soon I was saddened. He was going on a journey and didn't know when he'd return or be able to send me another raven. I ran to send one to Castle Black, perhaps someone there would see him and let him know I wrote to him. I kept it simple. I love you.

Weeks had passed and I found myself spending more of my time with Bran and Osha. But I knew soon I'd have to leave here. I needed to find Jon, I had so much hope for us. That everything could work out.

I saw Bran and Osha walking out of the crypts when we were all stopped together by Maester Luwin. "A raven came..." He muttered softly.

"Where's Rickon?" I asked.

"I'm right here." He said as he snuck up from behind me and ran into my arms.

I picked him up and held him like he was still only a small baby, but in my eyes he was like my baby, my own child. Of all the children to me he looked the most like Jon, the same dark curly hair, brown eyes, and bright smile. It was as though he was the child we should have had years ago.

Osha had Bran on her back and the three of us all looked at each other and our hearts immediately sank. If the Maester wanted to speak to us at once there was something wrong. For some reason I felt like it had to do with Lord Stark.

"King Robert passed away a few days ago." He muttered softly. "Meaning Joffrey has taken the throne but he..." Maester Luwin took a deep breath. "He had Lord Stark executed for treason. I'm so sorry."

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