Marry Me?

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I understood the term walk of shame for once in my life. As I made my way back into my room, my legs felt like they were made of straw, going to give and collapse at any moment, I found a sleeping Rickon, peaceful, and silent, nothing but his breathing could be heard. I kissed him softly on the head as I made sure he was warm and tucked in properly.

His wolf stayed asleep at the foot of the bed, watching, and protecting my sweet boy. I knew I should rest but as I gazed at the ceiling my mind was dancing like a happily married couple at a ball.

Was it wrong of me to promise myself to Theon? I wasn't even sure if I should go through with it or if I should run away from him. The only thing that mattered to me was the safety of Rickon and if that meant staying here and marrying Theon then so be it.

I got up and began to write. But I needed to make sure I never wrote the truth about what happened tonight. I wrote and confessed my love for Theon, the undying burning love that I had felt since we were small children, that if I could marry him today, that I would. I wrote that my love for Jon was false and never was real that he was just a distraction to keep my mind off Theon all these years. My logic? If Theon or anyone found my diary they'd never be able to expose me or my feelings. They'd look stupid.

In the morning the sun broke through my window. Rickon jumped up out of bed and woke me up by jumping on top of me. "Mother!" He called out with a smile. "Mother! It's morning! I had a wild dream last night! Theon came back!"

"It wasn't a dream." I grunted as I woke up, rubbing my eyes and trying to collect my thoughts. "Prince Theon has claimed Winterfell and we bow to him now."

"Am I still a Lord?" He asked.

"You will be again soon." I replied. "I'm going to marry Theon, making me a Princess and you shall be our young Prince."

"He's going to be my new father?" He asked.

"Yes my darling boy. We will be a family." I replied as I kissed him on the head and held him tight in my arms. "We're going to be whole."

The door swung open and Theon stood there with his sword in his hands, dressed from head to toe in armor. "Where is he?" He growled.

"Where is who my love?" I replied.

"Bran." He hissed at me. "He's gone and I know fucking well he didn't get up by himself. He had help."

I jumped out of bed and told Rickon to go downstairs and get breakfast and that I'd join him shortly. He nodded and went to run off before he turned around and smiled at Theon. "My mum tells me that you're getting married. I'm happy you're going to be my father." He ran off and his wolf followed behind him.

"You told him?" He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the far end of my room. "Why would you tell him so soon?"

"Because he has every right to know?" I replied. "You still want to marry me, right?"

"Yes." He muttered. "But I need to know right now if you helped Bran escape."

"How could I help him escape if I laid with you almost all night?" I shook my head and looked out the window. "Why is no one out there looking for him? He's paralyzed, Theon!"

He shook his head and bit his lip and shouted at me. "So where the fuck is he Alana? Where would he go?"

"Probably to find his mother and brother! He's a frightened child!" I replied.

"You didn't claim him as your own? Only Rickon? What bit of fair is that? You should know better than anyone what it's like to be a child and be rejected by those you love and care for." He argued.

BLIZZARD (JON SNOW X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now