The Lone Wolf Dies

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Stepping foot out of the crypt was what did it for me. My heart collapsed and so did my body. I dropped down to my knees. I saw all those bodies. I screamed. I called out for Jon, Rickon, and even Theon. I begged for them to come to me. To hear my screams. To let me know they were ok.

"Alana you're bleeding." Sansa said to me. "You've to get to a bed."

"Not until I see my boys. All of them." I argued with her. "Find them for me. Now. Someone. Anyone."

"You heard your Queen!" Sansa shouted. "Find King Jon, Lord Stark, and Prince Theon! At once! Tell them Alana has fully started her labors and will be in her chambers to give birth!"

Tyrion ran as fast as he could one way, while Varys helped bring me up the steps of the castle, being sure that I didn't trip and fall on any of the dead bodies. "I wish this experience could be more beautiful for you." Varys muttered. "But I suppose this is the beauty of this war. Lives lost but you are bringing us the Prince or Princess of the North."

"Varys typically I love your words of wisdom, they usually soothe me, allow me to feel better on rough days, but right now, please- Shut the fuck up." I replied.

He brought me to my room and laid me onto the bed. The Maester came running in behind him and began moving my legs and checking to see if the baby was crowning. And surely he took a step back and looked at me.

"Your baby has dark hair already. Looks a bit like the father if I must say." He chuckled.

I began sweating, panting, groaning out in pain. "WHERE IS JON?" I screamed. "SOMEONE FUCKING FIND THAT CUNT FOR ME!"

The door flew open but it wasn't Jon. It was my brother, Gendry, who stood there, covered in dirt and blood and who knows what else.

"Maester, a moment please?" He asked.

The Maester stepped out and Gendry looked to be sure he had gone for a walk rather than listen. "Tyrion told me you started your labors. He's fetching Jon and the others now, but I ran up here so you wouldn't be alone. I can't leave my sister by herself."

"Thank you." I gripped onto his hand and started to scream out in pain. "Tell that asshole of a Maester I need something for this pain. Wine, milk of the poppy, something, anything." I begged.


Jon came running into the room, covered head too toe in the same filth that Gendry was covered in. He kneeled down onto the ground beside me and grabbed my hand and kissed it. Theon and Rickon came running in behind him. Seeing them calmed me down a bit more. The faces I was hoping to see looking back at me were all in this room.

The Maester came in and gave me a spoonful of milk of the poppy and although I swallowed it I felt like I was going to throw it up. The taste was something that no one in this world should ever have to experience.

Sansa knocked on the door and behind her was Gilly and Samwell.

"How's is going?" Sansa asked softly.

Everyone looked at the Maester who lifted my gown and checked again. "Any moment now but please unless you are here to lend a hand and have delivered a baby before, I ask that for the Queen's privacy, you leave."

I looked at Theon and Rickon. "You two stay." I asked. "Tell me about the battle. Take my mind off the pain until I have to push."

Rickon smiled greatly. "Father did it." He looked at Theon and hugged onto him. "The Night King was coming toward me and Bran. I stood my ground like I was taught and then the next thing I know, I see Father jump from a tree and just stab him right in the chest. He burst into a million pieces and soon they all did. They turned to pieces of ice."

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