chapter 1

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"Do you have to invite them over again!?" I whine. I'm stood in the kitchen taking to my parents as they cook. They invited the shepherd's over for dinner today.

"Meredith, they're nice people.. and you like Derek, don't you?" My Mom says. "Yeah, I don't mind derek.. but I have better things to do!" I groan.

"Set the table" she passes me some cutlery. I roll my eyes, going to the table.

About half an hour later the doorbell rings. "Meredith can you get that?" My dad asks. "Yes your highness" I say sarcastically, walking to the door. Lexie laughs.

I open the door. "Hello" I smile as I see derek, Carol, Christopher, Nancy, liz, Kathleen and amelia stood infront of me.

Nancy is his oldest sister. She is 17. Liz is 16. Kathleen is 7 and amelia is his youngest sister, 2.

Amelia hugs my legs. "Hi sweetheart" I smile, picking her up. "Come in, my mom's in the kitchen" I step to the side. They walk in.

"Where is lexie?" Kathleen asks. Kathleen is the same age as my sister so they're basically best friends. "Living room" I say. They all go to the living room, apart from derek.

Amelia buries her face into my shoulder. "Hi derek" I say. "Hi meredith.. you look pretty" he says. I smile, chuckling softly. "Thankyou" I say.

"I miss you.. I never see you in school anymore" he says. "I mostly hang out on the field now" I say. That's where Joshua, aka. The love of my life, plays football.

"I-I play football too" he says. "You do? Sorry.. I haven't seen you on the field" I say. I mainly just watch Joshua. In fact, that's all I do.

"Its okay, um.. we should hang our some time though.. if you'd like" he says. "I would like that" I smile. "Okay" he smiles.

"Are you tired?" He strokes amelias hair back. She nods, reaching out for him. He picks her up, holding her on his hip.

"Do you want me to get a blanket? She can rest on the couch" I ask. He nods. "Please" he says. I go and get a blanket. I go to the living room.

"Here you go" I drape it over her as she lays on the couch. I look around the room for a place to sit. Everyone is sat in here now.

My parents are talking to them all and lexie and Kathleen are sat on the floor, next to the TV.

"Meredith" Derek says, patting the small space on the couch next to him. I sit next to him.


It's been a couple of hours. I haven't seen derek in ages but even after just a little while, it's like we're back to our old selves. I do miss our friendship.

"No! It wasn't my fault, if the teacher didn't want me to call out in class then he shouldn't have said something so stupid!" I giggle. He laughs.

I drape my legs over his thighs, basically sat on his lap. "What about girls, derek? Do you have a girlfriend yet?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks. "No" I shake my head. "Good" he says. I look at him shocked. "Good for me.. not for you" he says. I laugh.

"You're such a dork" I say. He grins. "Do you like any girls?" I ask. "You" he says. I roll my eyes. "Other than me! Who do you like?" I giggle.

"I'm kinda seeing someone.. we're not serious at all.. we haven't even kissed, but we've been out a few times" he says.

"Why haven't you kissed her yet?" I ask. "I want you to be my first kiss" he says. I smile, rolling my eyes. He's so direct.

I look around the room. Our parents are in the dining room and his sisters aren't concentrating. I put my hands on his jaw. He looks into my eyes.

I gently push our lips together. He puts his hand on my cheek, deepening the kiss.

We kiss for a little bit before I pull away slowly. "Kiss the girl, derek" I whisper. He smiles.

"You were my first kiss ever, but.. I'll be your first as a married woman" he says. I laugh, rolling my eyes. "Just you wait.. on our wedding day, I will prove you wrong" he says.

"You're an idiot" I stand up, going to the kitchen. I hear him laugh, following after me. We sit down to eat lunch with our families.

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