2 ~ princess

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'Watch it! Stay here!' Your mum sighed while pulling Fae back.

'But mum! My friends are there!'

Diagon Alley was crowded like always.. yet you could still recognise some kids from your grade. You didn't really need much extra stuff. Just some books.

You looked around the busy streets. You could hardly hear yourself think with the sound of screaming and laughing people.. Well especially first years.

'Alright we can go over there but-'

Fae broke free and sprinted off to her friends. Your mum let out an exhausted sigh and turned to you.

'So.. my friends invited me to go to Siris black house for the end of the holiday.'

Your mum raised her brows and you already knew what she was going to say. She didn't like you hanging out with Harry, Ron and Hermione because of their ties to Voldemort. You did get why but you loved being with them. They had been your friends since day one.

'I know what you're going to say.. I just really like them inviting me. I don't need to go if you don't want to.'

Your mum was quiet for a moment. You could see her thinking face. The one which all mothers have with the slightly lowered eyebrows and the difficult expression on their faces.

'You can go.. but you better look for us at the platform and you have to help your sister board that train.'

'I promise, mum.' You smiled brightly.

Your mother turned to look at her other daughter. All the mothers of her friends had gathered around with her and her friend group. Your sister was yelling at her, trying to get her to come.

'Do you mind-'

'No its alright. I'll just be in that little bookshop up ahead.'

She passed you a thankful small before toodling off to the group. You started to walk through the crowd towards the bookshop. Occasionally someone bumped into you but you didn't mind. You kept your cool before fleeing into the bookshop.

This bookshop was kind off underrated. It was one of the least visited shops on Diagon Alley. It was hidden in a small corner. It had large, rounded windows on the outside that showed a little bit of the shop. Other than that it was just a usual wooden building. Nothing special. You could already see the small benches in the window sill that you could sit on to read. It even had some little red pillows on there for comfort.

You opened the door and it creaked a little. A little bell rang to notify the owners that the door opened. You took a look around. The wall were filled with large bookshelves. The outside did really did deceive. It was quite a large shop with a large collection.

The typical smell of books entered your nose. There was tables to read on in the centre of the room but it was stacked with books by now. The floor also had large piles of books on it. There was a tiny stairs at the back that lead you to the top floor which was opened in the centre. There were even more books over there.

'Good afternoon.' The old lady behind the counter smiled.

'Good afternoon.' You smiled back.

You walked inside and looked up at the bookshelves on the top balcony. There was an entire section there which you were interested in.

Advanced charms. Charms had always been a subject you liked. You were great at it and always tried to learn as many new ones as possible. You were ahead of most of your classmates and probably already knew all the charms you were going to learn this year.

You headed up the tiny stairs and walked straight towards the section you needed to be at. You looked up and ran your finger past the spine of the books.


You stopped as the snarky voice spoke to you. Your eyes met the gray eyes of a guy you knew all too well.. Draco Lucius Malfoy. Everything about him annoyed you.. yet you had always found him.. mysterious. You couldn't believe that being a brat was all he had going on for him. Deep dark secrets laid behind those eyes. You just knew it.

'Lost your manners?' You asked.

He rolled his eyes. Draco was a tall guy, fancied by many even tho he was such an arse. His very light, almost white, blonde hair always stood out. He had a straight posture, always standing up tall to look down on everyone.

'Move, Y/L.' He sneered.

You turned your head back to the bookshelve and swiftly picked one you wanted. You heard him sigh irritably. You grinned on the inside while keeping your calm face.

'There's plenty of room for you to pass, Malfoy. Your.. uptight posture isn't going to make you any bigger.. nor will it make you worthy of me moving for your annoying arse.' 

'In a mood today, princess?' He asked.

You glared at him and pressed your book against your chest. Princess? Was that an insult?

'You seem to have your panties in a twist. So you tell me.' You sneered

Draco raised his brows at you but you swore you could see a grin. Like he enjoyed the way you talked back to him. You focused back on the charms books.

'Fine, if you won't move. I told you to. Don't complain to me.'

Draco suddenly shoved you against the book shelve as he dramatically stomped you in the back while moving past you. You let out a painful moan as he walked towards the alchemy section.

'Idiot!' You yelled after him while pushing yourself off the bookshelve.

You heard Draco laugh at you. You shot him a nasty look before walking away. You straightened your clothes and walked down the stairs to pay for your books. Before walking to the door you saw Draco glancing down at you.

'Goodbye, toadface!' He yelled after you.

'Piss off!' You hissed back at him.

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