9 ~ no way

185 11 2

You didn't know why you were surprised to see absolutely no Draco Malfoy in the library. At least you could say you tried. You took a seat at an empty table and sat down.

You took a deep breath. The library was always a quiet and peaceful place to you. The smell of parchment and books was great. You stared at the bookcase in front of you.

Why did you want him to show up so badly? You hated him. Maybe it was the fact that he clearly needed you to pass.. or that somehow you felt like he desperately had to pass this class. He sounded desperate while talking to Flitwick.

The sound of a book hitting the table, pulled you out of your thought. You looked up, startled. Draco looked at you, his expression highly annoyed again.

'You came.' You said.

'I don't have a choice, thanks to you.'

He sat down with a huff. You quickly grabbed your homework. You were surprised to see that Draco actually brought his stuff. He even had his book with him.

'What? Make your stupid homework.' He said. 'It's already embarrassing enough to be seen with you.'

Draco got up and sat down on the other side of you. Hiding away in the corner. You didn't say anything and just started to fill out the homework questions. You looked over at his answers occasionally. You turned to him.

'You're doing quite well. But you switched two answers at question 2.'

Draco didn't say anything and just looked at you.

'You see this hand movement. It's almost straight but has a small s curve. That's colovaria. That's how you can see the difference between colovaria and the locomotor charm. The locomotor charm is basically just one straight hand movement.'

You laid your book next to his to show the difference.

'Thanks.' Draco muttered.

He crossed out and changed his answer. Another moment of silence followed. You just continued but saw Draco in the corner of your eyes skipping through the pages of his book. You weren't going to help that easily. He could ask you.

Draco looked up. You heard it too. Someone running. Why was someone running in the library? It was a first year. They passed your table and tripped over the bag of the students sitting on the table beside you. You covered your mouth but Draco could already hear you laugh

'No way you just laughed at that kid.' Draco said.

'I didn't!' You tried to defend yourself.

'Y/N Y/L, good heart hufflepuff laughed at a kid falling. Who'd know that day would come.'

You didn't even know he knew your full name. He just said your first name. He had a quite a nice way of saying it too.

'I.. totally did.' You sighed.

Draco started laughing at you.

'It caught me of guard!'

'Maybe you're not such a princess as you pretend to be.'

You two made eye contact for a few seconds while laughing. When draco realised he was laughing with a hufflepuff, he quickly put up his straight face again while looking away.

'Does diffindo literally mean.. to split, in Latin?' Draco asked.

Did he just ask you a question? You looked at him.

'Yes, basically.' You answered.

'So I got that right?'

'Yes.. you did.' You smiled.

You swore you saw a smile when he turned back to his page. He wrote down his answer.

'You actually went?'

Draco sighed and looked up. Pansy and her 2 friends were staring at you both. You felt uncomfortable right away.

'I told you why. You know I have to pass this. I explained it to you.'

He suddenly looked nervous. As if he didn't want to talk about this now.

'I could've helped you.' She said.

'Well, you're not as good at charms as she is.. you know how much is depending on this. Don't bring this nonsense here.'

He turned back to his page. Pansy looked at you and gave you a disgusted look.

'I don't know what you're trying to do, but it gives... desperate.' She said while leaning on the table to face you.

'I hate his guts, nothing I do is desperate. I just can't say no.'

Draco leaned forward, over your paper. You sat back a little else he was right in your face. He grabbed her wrist, his ring shining in the light. It was a pretty ring. You watched the veins in his hand stand out as he applied pressure and pushed her away.

'Don't ever, embarrass and disrespect me like that in front of other houses.. EVER.' Pansy threatened.

'Quiet, please!' The library assistant asked.

'Dont you start with me.. Parkinson. I'm not in the mood.'

'You're defending her?'

'I'm not, but you being here won't make me pass. You know what happens when I don't pass. Leave me alone.'

She scoffed and walked away. Draco moved away. His hand accidentally brushed past yours as he sat up.

'What happens if you don't pass?' You asked.

'Non of your business, Y/L.' Draco sneered.

You raised your brows and sighed. What a difficult person to be around. Draco closed his book.

'I'm done for the day.'

You stared at him and raised your brows.

'You've been here like.. 20 minutes. You haven't finished your homework.'

Draco grabbed his papers and his stuff and put it in his bag. He swung it around his shoulder.

'20 minutes too long.. spend with you.' He laughed. 'I don't really do all my homework in one sitting. I'd like to spread it out. Besides, the only questions left are practising the spells and we can't do that here.'

He did have a point there. You couldn't use these spells in the library. You hated it when he was right.

'So when are we going to do that?' You asked.

Draco sighed and rolled his eyes.

'Before the next class. It isn't until next week, so how about we do that this weekend, and you stop bothering me?'

'Fine.' You just said.

'Sweet. Later, toad face.' He said before walking away.

This had to be one of the strangest interactions you've had with him.

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