5 ~ Umbridge

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The great hall felt familiar as always. Your sister just got sorted into hufflepuff.  It was a nice day. You glanced over to the Gryffindor table. A lot of students had their eye on Harry, looking at him like he was crazy.

You were planning on defending him. Even if that got you into trouble. You glanced over to the first years and saw Fae already making friends. You took a bite of your food and saw Dumbledore heading to the front.

'Good evening children.' Dumbledore started.

All the chatter died down as his voice ached through the hall. You looked at the teachers. Hagrid was missing. That was odd.

'Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back professor Grubbly-Plank who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures while professor Hagrid is on temporary leave.'

That explained it. You looked up from your food and saw the Draco and his goofs eyeing Fae and whispering. You grabbed a piece of your newspaper and tossed it at his head. He turned his head on your direction, only to face the most scary face he had ever seen you make.

'We also wish to welcome our new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher professor Dolores Umbridge.'

You saw a woman with short brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a pink outfit. It was awful to look at. She let out a small giggle. You had never seen such a pink, ugly cloud before. She eyed like your typical cat lady. No friends, no relationship.

'And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. Now, as usual, our caretaker mister Filch, has asked me to remind you-'

He was cut off by Umbridge. Everyone looked at her.  She placed her pink bag on the table and got up. She stepped forwards. The sounds of her heals clicking on the floor. You already expected this.

'Thank you Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faves smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends.'

'That's likely.' Fred and George spoke in unison.

You let out a small chuckle. They said it loud enough for you to hear.

'The ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought some new to this historic school progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited.'

She let out another weird chuckle or giggle or what ever it was. She creeper you out. Dumbledore began to clap and slowly everyone joined in, even though most of them didn't want to.

'Thank you, professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating.

You didn't think it was that illuminating. All you heard was that the ministry was interfering with Hogwarts. Something that wasn't a good thing. The food slowly vanished of the table. You got up and straightened your uniform before heading off to the Hufflepuff Basement.

You sat down and grabbed your new charms book out of your bag. You let out a sigh of relief as you could finally read a bit.

'Y/N, Y/N hi.'

A group of girls had approached you. They were 4th years. You had seen them around. You were a little annoyed that they disturbed your quiet time before bed, but you managed to smile politely.

'Hey.. Sarah, right?'

She nodded with a slight smile.

'What can I help you with?'

'Uhm, me and my friends.. we really hate charms and we know you used to tutor students. Could you help us?'

You used to tutor students about 2 years ago. Classmates mostly. Helping them with charms and their homework.. but you didn't really want to do that anymore.

'I'm sorry, I stopped doing that 2 years ago. It took up too much of my time.' You apologised.

'Please.' She begged. 'We really need it. You're like.. one of the best at them. Better than most 7th years. I mean look at what your reading. You won't learn about spell adaptations until the last year.'

You looked at your book before looking back at them.

'It's quite interesting. A lot of spells can be altered in effects by just doing the handmotion different or say the spell different. For instance... obliviate. You can alter it by turning your hand the other way. That way the persons memory will only be altered, not erased. No horrible torture will be needed to restore their memories.. but it's quite tricky to do.'

You closed your book and put it down besides you. You stared at the blank expressions of the students. You grabbed the book and got up.

'McGonagall offers tutoring. She'll appoint a fitting student to you guys. I'm sorry, maybe another time I can help.'

You headed back to your dorm. Your roommates were already chatting and unpacking. You greeted them and started unpacking too. This was going to be an interesting year.

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