3 ~ The boy who lies

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You closed your trunk and put it under the bed. You weren't used to having such a big room. You had arrived at Sirius' house. You had some owl letter exchanges with Hermione who explain that the Order of the Phoenix was located here.

You were all upstairs because you weren't allowed to go down. You had been worried about Harry. He used Magic outside of Hogwarts and might be expelled. The worse part was that you weren't allowed to write him.

You heard the front door close. It was a loud noise every time someone came in. You look around the black painted room. You decided to get up. You walked into the hallway and saw Hermione and Ron.

'Is someone coming?' You asked.

'I don't know. We're not allowed downstairs.' Ron mumbled.

You headed over to the steep stairs and peeked down. You knew you probably weren't able to see anything but you could always try. At least you could hear Mollys loud voice all the way up there.

'Harry!' She said.

You hoped Harry would be happy to see you. He was probably upset that you guys didn't write him. You didn't want him to be upset with you.. you weren't very comfortable with confrontation. You wanted everyone to be your friend.

'Heavens, are you alright?' You heard Molly ask. 'Bit peaky, But I'm afraid dinner will have to wait until after the meeting's finished.'

Harry tried to speak to her but you couldn't really hear what he wad trying to say. His voice wasn't quite as loud as hers. Also Molly interrupted him.

'No, no time to explain. Straight upstairs, first door to the left.'

You heard him coming up the stairs. The stairs were old squeaky. The moment of truth was upon you. Was he angry? Would he understand? This felt a scene from a drama film. Your heart stopped for a moment when the door opened.

'Harry!' Hermione exclaimed before hugging him.

You got up and walked over to them. Harry looked like he hadn't slept in days. He was probably having Nightmares again. A dementor attack wasn't your usual cup of tea of course.

'You must tell us everything.' You insisted.

Ron pulled you and Hermione back a little.

'Let the man breathe.'

He saved people. He saved his nephew and his friend from dementors. They couldn't expel him. You couldn't handle this. It was unfair.

Expelling a perfectly good student and your best friend for saying lives. Dumbledore wouldn't let that happen.

'The hearing at the ministry is outrageous!' You exclaimed.

'I've looked it up. They can't possibly expel you, it's completely unfair!' Hermione cut in.

Harry dropped his bag onto the floor. He seemed highly annoyed. The look on his face said everything. Annoyed and worried.. but you could totally understand that. You walked over to your bed and took a seat on the soft matras.

'Yeah.. There's a lot of that going around at the moment.'

He took a look around. You had no idea why everyone was crowding up in your guest room. But you loved your friends so you let them be for the moment.

'So what is this place?' Harry asked.

'It's the headquarters.' Ron said.

'Apprently it's of the Order of the Phoenix.' You added. 'It's a secret society. Dumbledore formed it back when they found.. you-know-who.'

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