4 ~ Try me, Malfoy

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'See, nothing to worry about. I'm here, aren't I?' You smiled before helping your sister load her stuff for the train.

Your suitcases got taken and you passed the worker a polite smile before turning your sister around. You headed onto the crowded platform. You could hardly hear yourself mother and sister of the noise of the children. Excited first years were laughing, the sounds piercing your ears.

'I know, you've made it and I'm glad you did.' Your mother said. 'Please don't get into any trouble with those friends of you this year. I've had enough letters home.'

You laughed a little.

'I won't mum. I have Fae to look after now.'

Fae looked up at you and grabbed your hand. You smiled down at her.

'Are you ready?' You asked.

She gave you a shy nod. You gave your mum a hug and held her tight. You sister joined so you let her go. You really hoped she'd make a ton of friend and that she'd be left alone by bullies.

'Go on you two. I see you guys during summer.' Your mum smiled.

You waved at her with Fae and you then headed into the train. You started passing the compartments. They were already filled with students. You knew Fae's friends had to be here somewhere. You peeked in every compartiment to catch a glimpse of who was inside.

As soon as you were about to find them, you heard a compartiment door open. Something inside of you made you stop as you heart started beating faster. A sensation of pure protection washed over you. Maybe it was because you had already noticed them when you passed their compartment.. or maybe it was because they were very predictable.

'No way. This is absolute gold.'

Within a second you turned around. Draco, Gregory, Vincent and Pansy had taken it upon them to have a look. The sight of their faces already made you grumpy.

'There is another one of you? Are you kidding me?' Draco asked. 'Is she such a dork as you are?'

You found yourself walking towards him until you were up in his face. You could feel his breathe against your face as you angrily put a finger on his chest. Draco raised his brows before you spoke.

'You listen.. very carefully to me, Malfoy.' You hissed. 'She's a first year, leave. Her. Alone. You can make my life hell all you want.. but she has nothing to do with your little power scheme.'

Draco snorted. A big grin crossing his face afterwards. If you were allowed to you'd just punch that smirk right off his face.. or use some horrible charm that you read about to just melt his entire face away all together. He looked down on you with a nasty and degrading look in his eyes.

'What are you going to do about it?' He asked.

You grinned and shook your head. You leaned in a little closer.

'Try me, Malfoy. You know I'm the best at spells in this school. You'll deeply regret it. I'll make sure of it.' You threatened.

Draco laughed and pushed you back.

'Listen hear, you little ant.' He started.

'No. I don't want to hear it. You've been warned. All of you.'

You turned around and grabbed your sisters wrist and pulled her with you. Draco watched you leave. He thought you had quite a fierce attitude for a hufflepuff. That's what amused him about bullying you. You dropped your sister off at the right carriage, not saying a word about what happened.

You looked for the carriage with your friends. Your hands were still shaking a little from anger. You opened the carriage door. Hermione, Ron and Hermione looked up at you and saw your anger right away. It was written all over you. You shut the door and sat down. You took a deep breath and looked at them.

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