12 ~ D.A.

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'Can you keep Pansy away from me?' You whispered.

Draco looked up from his notes. He frowned and laid down his quill. He didn't know why you were asking that all of a sudden.

'What?' He asked.

'She keeps threatening me. Even though she really doesn't need to worry.'

Draco sighed and rubbed his face. Flitwick was handing out homework and he stopped at your table.

'Great improvement, mister Malfoy.'

Draco grabbed it. He had 9/10 correct. You smiled seeing that. You saw his eyes light up. Relief was what you saw.

'Sorry, Pansy, yes. I will try to make her stop. Try, she's persistent.'

When class ended you just needed a breather. You walked outside but didn't get much time. Harry, Ron and Hermione were waiting for you.

'We need to talk.'

'Bloody brilliant.' You sighed.

You rubbed your eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. You suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder.

'Tomorrow after dinner, report?' Draco asked you

You turned around and looked at him. He was actually motivated to do some work?

'She's busy.' Harry sneered at Draco

'Piss off, I'm not talking to you.' Draco snapped.

'Sure. Library. I'll be there.'

Draco nodded and walked away. You turned back to your friends.

'Malfoy seems.. nicer. To you at least.'

'Oh please, he's civil because I tutor him.' You sighed. 'What do you want to talk about.'

'Not here. Let's go.'

You followed them outside. On the outsides of the castle you grouped up with them. This must be serious if they didn't want anyone else to know.

'We are starting a group.' Ron said.

'It's an army.' Hermione piped in.

'Yes. Dumbledores army. The D.A.' Harry said.

You took a moment to process. An army? To fight Voldemort? A bunch of students that didn't get taught anything.

'We need you to help Harry. With teaching defensive spells. You're the best at charms. And you had some practice on Malfoy.'

'Me? My god you're asking a lot. If umbridge catches us, We're dead.'

'She won't. We'll keep it a secret. Will you help?'

You didn't really feel like you had much of a choice.

'Let's go. They're waiting.' Hermione smiled.

Who were waiting? Before you knew it, you were following them to hogsmeade. You didn't know you were starting this, right this second.

'This is mad! Who'd wanna be taught by me?' Harry asked. 'I'm a nutter, remember?'

'Look on the bright side, you can't be any worse then old toad face.' Ron laughed.

You walked through the snow, into the village. The snow was getting thick. It was freezing out. You hated it. You didn't even feel like going. Your social battery had ran out and you didn't even eat or drink.

'Thanks Ron.' Harry sighed.

'I'm here for you mate.'

'Who's supposed to be meeting us then?' You asked.

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