19 ~ happy new year

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You entered the three broomsticks with Draco. It was freezing outside. Draco stepped behind you and helped you take off your coat. He hung it over your chair before pulling it back so you could sit.

'Thank you.' You smiled.

He took of his coat and sat down opposite of you. He ordered you both a hot drink to warm your hands to.

'I can't believe it's almost the new year already.' You smiled.

'Time flies.' Draco smiled.

Your hot drinks got placed infront of you. You warmed your hands to the side of the cup and gently blew a little cool it down. Draco watched you, smiling. You looked up at him.

'Cheers.' He said, before taking a sip. 'Shit that's hot.' He cursed while burning his mouth.

You laughed at him.

'You have to blow before taking a sip.'

'I'm too lazy.' He grinned.

Draco took a moment to look around. He felt a strange feeling of happiness, sitting there with you.

'Got any new years resolutions?' You asked.

Draco looked at you and smiled.

'No. Just.. trying to be happy and surviving.'

He always seemed depressed. The way he spoke about life. It made you sad to see such a bright boy like that.

'How about you?' He asked.

'Nothing. Just continuing to be like this.' You smiled.

'Sounds like a great plan.' He grinned.

You continued talking as the day slowly passed. You had fun, laughed, talked about life. You had never had such a connection with someone before. It was beautiful, new exciting.. but also terrifying.

You knew your life would become significantly more difficult if you accepted this in it. He was a Malfoy, a pureblood. Besides that you also had Pansy bullying you and your sister.

You tried to push those feelings to the back and just enjoy your day. Soon, it was getting late. You and Draco decided to leave and head to the astronomy tower. The fireworks were about to start soon. Midnight was approaching.

'Are you excited?' Draco asked.

'Yes, very.' You smiled back.

Draco offered you his hand as he helped you up the stairs. You grabbed him and let him guide you upstairs. The moon was lighting up the tower and you saw a lot of stars in the sky.

You never went to the astronomy tower at night. Draco looked at your face. Your eyes were sparkling as you looked around in awe.

'This is incredible.' You smiled.

'My favourite place to go at night.' He smiled.

You walked to the edge of the tower. Draco stopped besides you.

'Thank you, for all your help.' Draco smiled. 'You made me remember that things can be fun too.' He smiled.

You looked at him. The moon partly lit up his face. His hair was nearly white in this light and his gray-silver eyes were like moons.

'No problem.' You smiled. 'I thought you were going to be a pain.. but that wasn't true. Not all the time.'

Suddenly you heard the fireworks going off behind you. Draco smiled at you as you both turned to watch. It was amazing. This was an amazing night. You felt Draco staring at you. You turned back.

'Happy new year.' Draco smiled.

He leaned in. You knew what was going to come next. You tried to keep your breath steady but you knew it was shaking. Was this your redo? Did you want this red? You wanted it. You wanted to kiss him.. but you had to think about so many things. You couldn't decide right now.

Nerves crossed you as his lips came closer to yours. You couldn't do it. You started to panic. He hesitated when they almost touched yours.

'I'm sorry.. I can't.' You said.

Draco slowly pulled back. His face returning to the neutral position it was always in. Cold and empty. You hadn't seen that around you in awhile. He turned his head to watch the fireworks, leaning his arms on the railing of the astronomy tower.

It was quiet. You wanted to explain yourself. You didn't want to ruin this. You hated yourself. You panicked and you couldn't decide that quickly. You were scared and confused.

'Draco, I-'

'I think I'm going to head out.' He said.

You tried to say something but he already started to walk away, not listening or interested in what you had to say. You hurried after him and stopped at the top of the stairs

'Please, let me explain!' You yelled, panicked.

Draco had already left. You sighed in frustration and rushed down the stairs. You hurried outside, into the cold snow.. no sign of him. You walked back to the castle, freezing.

No sign of him. He had completely vanished. You got it. You would've done the same. You totally embarrassed him. You probably made him feel like shit. You hated yourself.

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