8 ~ I'll do it

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'With all respect, professor. This can't be right.'

You stopped in front of the charms classroom. You were a little earlier, like you always were. You had to prepare well for your favourite subject. Even though you were ahead, you liked the class.

'You failed the first two test of the year, mister Malfoy. I don't know where your head is at. Normally you're a great student.'

Draco was failing? You hated his guts but that's was kinda sad. You stopped next to the door for a moment. You listened carefully to professor Flitwick. You couldn't believe that Draco Malfoy was being.. respectful.

'I can get this grade up.' Draco said.

'It doesn't look hopeful. Your homework is lacking too. Is this happening in more classes?' He asked.

'No.' Draco scoffed. 'I need this class.. you don't understand.'

It was quiet for a moment. You took a deep breath and decided to knock on the door. Draco looked up and rolled his eyes when he saw you.

'Ah, miss Y/L. Maybe you can help us for a moment.'

Draco shot the professor a look. You walked in and pressed your books against your chest while you stppped infront of the teachers desk. You looked at Draco and gave him a smirk before looking back at the professor.

'What can I help you with.. professor.'

'Mister Malfoy could use some tutoring. You're my best student. Can you help him?'

Your smirk quickly fell. You hated this dilemma. You loved charms, you didn't want to disappoint Flitwick. You hated saying no to anyone.. but it was Malfoy.

'I don't need her help.' Draco sneered. 'I am smart enough to figure this out on my own. She probably doesn't even-'

'I'll do it.' You sighed.

You didn't know why you just said that. Damn that hufflepuff heart of yours. You kept your eyes on the professor. He smiled and put down Draco's test.

'Very well. Take your seats. Please sit together.'

You turned around and headed towards your seat. Draco grabbed your upper arm and pulled you closer against him. You gasped a little out of shock and looked at him.

Are you insane?! You think this is some kind of sick joke? I don't want to be stuck studying with you.' He hissed.

'I don't know why I said that. It came out before I knew it. But I don't see the big deal. We don't need to talk to each other outside of that.'

You pushed him off you. His hands were surprisingly strong. His ring did dig a little into your skin.. but it wasn't too painful. You sat down. Draco sighed loudly as he sat down. He watched Pansy and her friends walk in. You had never seen her look that angry at you before. She walked over to Draco.

'Are you insane?! We always sit together.' She said.

'Not my choice.' Draco spoke, rather annoyed. 'I'll explain later.'

She huffed and walked away. You grabbed your parchment and quill. Draco sat back and crossed his arms. Nothing was on his table. Not even his book. You didn't want to interfere with this but it lowkey triggered you. Maybe that's why he wasn't passing?

'What?' Draco sneered.

You must've been looking at him. You looked away and didn't say anything. Draco turned to you. You caught a bit of his scent. His strong cologne wasn't easy to miss.

'Maybe you should grab your stuff. Might help you pass.'

'Keep your mouth shut. I do things my way. Class hasn't started yet.'

'I'm just trying to help.' You sighed.

He rolled his eyes and leaned his arms on the table. Almost everyone had entered the classroom at this point. You looked besides the table but all you could see was his book. No quill, no parchment, nothing. For a rich boy he sure didn't bring his stuff.

You reached into your bag and grabbed your spare quill and parchment. You placed it in front of him and pushed your ink in between you. Draco opened his mouth to say something but you just stuck your index finger in the air.

'Don't.' You just said.

Draco looked at you as he picked up your stuff. He reached down to grab his book and peeked over to see what page your were on.

'Goodmorning children.' Professor Flitwick started his class.


You headed out of the charms classroom. Draco had luckily returned your stuff to you.

'Hey wait.' You said as he passed you.

Draco sighed and stopped.

'What now?'

'Let's meet up at the library after your last class. For homework.'

Pansy grabbed Draco's arm.

'He can't. We are hanging out. He doesn't want to be seen with a loser like you.'

You smiled a little and shook your head while looking down. You looked back up at him.

'Suit it yourself. I'll be there to do mine. It's up to you if you want to pass.'

You didn't even want to wait for another answer and you just walked away. You couldn't believe this and were actually a little disappointed.

'Were you just talking to Malfoy?'

You looked up and saw Harry, Ron and Hermione leaving their class. You sighed.

'Yes unfortunately. Professor Flitwick asked me to tutor him in charms.'

'Malfoy is failing?' Hermione asked.

'Yes. And I can't say no. So I'm his tutor. We are both not very thrilled and I doubt he will show up to our homework session. Also Pansy hates my guts and will do anything to keep him away from our study sessions probably.'

Hermione slapped you with her parchment.

'You said yes?! Are you crazy? He's a lunatic!' She exclaimed.

As if you didn't know that. Of course you regretted it and you shouldn't have said yes.

'I know. It's stupid. I know. I just, can't say no. Ever. I'm way ahead in charms anyways.'

You all started heading towards you next class, which you actually had together.

'Your good qualities are going to bring you very uncomfortable situations.' Ron said.

You grinned.

'Already working on it.'

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