21 ~ led me on

154 6 2

You knew you and Draco had to talk this out. It was driving you both insane. You didn't show up to practise with the D.A. you knew Draco and his friends were trying to find out where you were practising and what you were doing.

You headed down to the dungeons and waited there. Before you knew it, Draco walked down the stairs. He wasn't wearing his robes. Just his pants and his dress shirt.


He looked annoyed immediately and stopped.

'What?' He asked.

'Do you have a minute to talk?'

Draco looked unamused. He raised his brows.

'I don't talk to absolute bitches.' He sneered.

That shocked you. He thought you were a bitch? Why did he say that.

'Bitch?' You asked.

'Yes I am calling you a bitch. You totally led me on. If you can't see that.. that's bitch behaviour.'

Leading him on? Where did he get that idea from? It didn't feel nice that he thought that about you.

'I'm not leading you on. I-'

'You pretend that you want to get to know me. You form a connection with me, you dance against me, you kiss me, you continue to do the same afterwards, you start to talk to me on a personal level. I tell you things that not a lot of people know and than you ask me out. But when I try to kiss you, you say no. You totally led me on. That's leading someone on.'

Okay yes he did have a point there. You couldn't believe you had been that blind. You gave him a guilty look and sighed.

'I don't need your help with charms anymore. I think that's for the better. You call me Malfoy and you leave me alone.'

Draco started to walk passed you.

'Draco please! We need to talk about this.. I miss you.'

Draco snorted and turned around.

'You miss me but you don't want me. You just want my attention and money.'

This was going the wrong way. You felt yourself choking up. You didn't want it to go this way. Maybe you just had to go for it.

'No! It's not like that.' You said, trying to stay strong. 'It's just.. Pansy and this war and with everything going on. Its not the best time to do this.'

Draco laughed.

'So you just expect me to wait? Because I won't. Just go to your lame friends and see if any of them will have you.'

That stabbed a little. You looked at him. He watched you as a tear rolled down your cheek. You wiped it away and turned away from him. Draco's posture softened a bit as you collected yourself.

'I panicked.' You said.

Draco wanted to walk away but he couldn't. When you collected yourself you turned back to him.

'I'm sorry. I panicked.' You repeated. 'I'm stupid. This is all new to me and I panicked. I really do like you. I'm sorry.'

Draco didn't say anything. He just stood there.

'I should've went with it. I've been beating myself up about it. I didn't mean to hurt you. I panicked. I was scared. I am scared.' You sniffed. 'You're different. Different than me, your life is different and you are a very complicated person.. I'm scared of what that's going to bring us.'

You had never been this open and vulnerable with someone. Draco did understand and he liked to hear that you liked him. Draco walked over to you. He grabbed your hand. You looked down at floor, scared to look up at him. Draco pulled you into a tight hug. His strong arms wrapping around you.

'I'm sorry.' You said softly again.

'Thank you for telling me. At least I understand.' He said. 'I'm sorry if I moved too quickly.'

'You didn't. It was a very romantic gesture.'

You looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back at you.

'Want to go out some time?' He asked. 'An actually date this time.'

You nodded and smiled.

'I'll pick you up tomorrow at 2.' He smiled.

Draco let you go and turned around to walk to his dorm.


He stopped and turned back to you.

'Yes, princess?' He asked.

You walked over to him and stepped onto your tippytoes while laying your hands in his neck and pulling him down so you could reach him. You softly pressed your lips against his. Draco smiled before pulling you in and pressing his lips back against yours. You pulled back and looked at him, feeling hot.

'I owed you one.'

He smiled and ran his hand through your hair.

'I'll see you later.'


He smiled at you one last time before walking away. You felt a little guilty for giving him that feeling but you were happy you could get along.. he even wanted to go out with you. You smiled as you turned around.. but seeing Pansy staring at you made it fade quickly.

'I don't care what you think you're doing, it's not going to work.. Y/L. Mark my words.'

She pushed passed you. You took a deep breath but decided to not let her ruin your day. You finally fixed it and were even going on your first date ever.

You walked towards the stairs and headed back up to leave the dungeons, hoping Pansy would stay far behind you.

You never got what her deal was or if anything was going on between Draco and her.. but he sure would've told you if that was the case. Right?

You decided to stop thinking about it and started to daydream about your upcoming date while heading towards your own dorm.

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