6 ~ DADA

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Your schedule made it very clear. Umbridge was your new DADA teacher. Brilliant.. you already couldn't stand her or her voice and you had seen her one time.

Something felt off about her. Her aura wasn't matching your vibe at all. Just thinking about her pink, fuzzy outfit made you sick to your stomach. You didn't even receive any books for it yet. How were you supposed to prepare the charms.

You sat down in classroom and waited for your friends to arrive. The classroom was messy. Students chatting with their friends, paper birds flying around. Magic was awesome.

You looked around for a moment. All tables were lined up in 3 victical rows. Each row had a bunch op lines of tables. Two by two. There was a chalk board at the front on a platform. All the other stuff was boarded against the walls. As if it wasn't going to be used.

'Y/N, Did you get any books for this class?'

You looked up and hermione sat herself down besides you. She put her quill and paper on the table while looking around, trying to find a book.

'No... I was afraid I would be the only one.' You whispered.

The paper bird was flying in your direction. You smiled and got up as it approached you. The person who made this, did a great job. You looked up as it flew over your head. You blew against it's wings so it would fly up. It spun around and flew into a different direction.

You watched as it headed to Draco. Why was he always super grumpy? He couldn't even enjoy a beautiful paper Swan. He just hit it and it and it twirled around. Then it caught fire, right before you eyes. That could only mean one thing.

You turned your head to the front of the class and saw Umbridge. That awfully creepy smile it's way back onto her face. She lowered her wand. The room was deadly quiet. Everyone seemed unsure of what kind of person she was going to be during this class.

'Good morning children.'

It was the first sentence that left her mouth but it was already enough for you to be annoyed. You dropped your chin onto your arms that were resting on the desk. She lifted up her wand and started writing something on the chalk board.

'Ordinary Wizard Level examination.' She spoke.

'What the hell is this?' Harry mumbled.

'O W L.' She spoke as if you couldn't spell. 'More commonly known as OWLS.' She spoke.

She smiled into the class and no one dared to speak. You felt like a first grader. You lifted your head up as a pile of books caught your eye. Maybe you were actually going to learn something interesting this year.

'Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences may be severe.'

She flicked her wand and the piles of books behind her started floating, dividing themselves over the tables.

'Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven.' She continued.

You took the book in your hand and looked at it. You started to look through it, hoping to find spells. Something to protect you against the dark sightings that Harry saw last year.

'But you will be pleased to know from now on you will be following a casually structured ministry approved of defense against the dark magic.'

You sighed and put up your hand. You hadn't been able to find any spells. Not one. Nothing about protecting yourself.

'Yes?' She asked, clearly annoyed.

'There's nothing in here about using defensive spells.' You pointed out. 

'Using spells?'

She let out one of her high pitched laughs. It started to hurt your ears.

'I can't imagine why you would need spells in my classroom.' She spoke while walking towards you.

'We're not going to use magic?' Ron asked who was sitting behind you.

'You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk free way.' She smiled. 

Harry looked at you. You felt kind of uncomfortable. You heard a book drop on a table. You glanced over and saw Draco, who demonstratically put it down.

'Well, what use is that? If we're going to be attacked it won't be risk free.' Harry spoke.

'Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class.' Umbridge hissed while turning around.

She walked back and Harry looked at you again. You rolled your eyes for a bit in a way that she could clearly see it.

'It is the view of the ministry, that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examination, which after all is what school is about.'

That didn't make any sense. How were you supposed it protect yourself? Your friends? Your family?

'And how is theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?' Harry asked.

'There is nothing out there dear. Who would you imagine would attack children like yourself.'

Harry sighed annoyed. You didn't know why the ministry was so eager to cover this up.

'Oh, well I don't know... maybe... Lord Voldemort.' You said.

There was whispering around you.  No one believed Harry but you did. He looked at you in surprise. You looked at Umbridge who tried to keep her smile. She slowly walked forwards.

'No let me makes this quite clear, you have been told that a curtain dark wizard is at rise once again... this is a lie.' She spoke while looking at you.

You looked back at her with a nasty face, but decided to keep your mouth shut. You weren't looking for trouble.

'It's not a lie! I saw him! I fought him!' Harry hissed back.

'Detention! Mister Potter.'

'So according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead on his own accord?!' He yelled back.

Harry looked at you.

'Cedric Diggory his death was a tragic accident!'

'It was murder! Voldemort killed him! You must know that!'

'Enough!' She screamed.

Hearing her scream was even worse than her normal voice.

'Enough! I said enough! My office mister Potter..' She spoke and she finished with a giggled.

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