20 ~ ignored

151 7 1

You put all your time and effort into the D.A. trying to distract yourself from what was happening. It was good to have your friends back. You handed in the report and hadn't really seen Draco since.. it was already near the end of January.

You were supposed to meet up to study today. But you didn't know if that was going to happen. You sat down in your first charms class after the holidays.

You were nervous to see Draco again. You didn't know what he was going to say or how he was going to react. You grabbed your stuff and looked at the door.

Draco walked in. His face back to the way you knew him before all the tutoring. Cold, bitter and unhappy. He walked straight passed your table and sat down behind you, beside Pansy.

'Hey Draco, happy to see we are partners again!' Pansy said loudly, so you could hear.

A friend of her sat down beside you, taking Draco's spot. You stared at the front of the class. You got it. This was your own mistake.

You could hardly focus that class. You could hardly focus in general the past few days. Draco was constantly on your mind. At the end of the class, you stayed behind until he left.

You got up and headed out of the classroom. When you walked out, Pansy tried to trip you by sticking out her foot. You managed to stay upright but almost fell.

You turned around and shot her a deadly look. Draco was just standing behind her against the wall. Normally he'd help you, but he didn't even look at you. Pansy laughed at you.

'Stop it.' You hissed. 'I'm not in the mood.'

'Someone's mad because she realises that someone just used her to get a good grade.'

You looked at Draco who didn't even look up.

'That's what you told her? Unbelievable.'

Draco looked at you, his usually smile didn't even show itself.

'Oh don't flatter yourself.' Pansy laughed.

'You're just not going to do anything? Is that how it's going to be?' You asked.

Draco sighed and turned his back to you.

'Let's go guys.' He said.

Pansy smirked at you before running over to Draco and grabbing his arm. She hooked her arm in his and they walked away.


You had been sitting in the library for a good half an hour. You tried to work and read but that was when you really realised you messed up.

Tears welled up in your eyes as you threw your quill down and covered your face. You should've just said yes.

While you were having a breakdown over your own actions, Draco was laying in his bed. His hand was tugged under the back of his head and he was just staring up at the ceiling.

He couldn't believe he fell for your acts. You totally led him on. He gave you presents and his money. He opened up to you about his family..

Usually he wouldn't care. Draco had never been liked anyone before. Although he didn't love you yet, this hurt. He had never felt that before. He usually couldn't care less if someone didn't like him. He wasn't planning on making lasting memories at Hogwarts anyways.. with the way his life was going to be ruined next year.

Draco did have to pass charms and he needed your help next year. He sat up and took a deep breath before getting up. He fixed himself up. He started heading towards the library.

He didn't want to see you. He really didn't.. but he had to. He thought that after 2 or 3 weeks he'd feel better about it but he really didn't.

When he was about to walk in you walked right passed him. You were done waiting and were heading back to the common room.

'Y/L, we have a meeting.'

You stopped. You didn't even turn to you. The way he said Y/L made you feel sick.

'An hour ago.' You just said. 'I waited an hour.'

You didn't pay him much more attention and walked away. Draco looked at the time. He did indeed make you wait an hour. He wasn't going to waste this though. He walked inside to do the studying on his own.

You headed into the common room. You sister was sitting there with her friends.

'Y/N!' She smiled.

You threw your bag onto the couch infront of them and sat down.

'Are you okay?' One of her friends asked.

'Malfoy was late to your study session. Like an hour.'

'You two used to be friends.. what happened?' Your sister frowned.

You sighed and looked at them.

'He tried to..' You couldn't even say it.


'He tried to kiss me on new years eve.' You blurted out.

All three girls looked at you with big eyes.

'Draco Malfoy tried to kiss a hufflepuff?' One of her friends asked.

'I rejected him.' You said. 'I shouldn't have! I panicked.'

'You're upset about something that's your own fault?' Fae asked while raising her brows.

You rolled your eyes and grabbed your back.

'Don't tell anyone please.' Was all you said before walking away, knowing she was right.

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