14 ~ We trust you

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'You're staying here? During the holiday?' Draco asked while you walked back.

'Yeah, you?' You asked.

'Yes. Umbridge made me a prefect. I have stuff to do.'

'Congrats.' You laughed. 'I should go, but we will meet up soon for the report.'

Draco stopped and looked at you. You turned to him and stopped, giving him a questioning look.

'Is that first name basis a thing now?' He asked.

'Do you want it to be?' You asked.

'Maybe not around my friends.' He laughed.

'Draco during studying it is. Malfoy in public.' You winked. 'See you later, Draco.'

You walked away. Draco kept his eyes on you until you had left. He actually started to like you a little.


The holiday had arrived. You were sad that you never went home during Christmas but it did give your mum some space to get extra shifts in for work. Fae chose to do the same.

With Christmas approaching soon, you had already made plans with her to celebrate at some point. You didn't have gifts but you had each other.

'Oh really?'

You looked up and saw Pansy Parkinson talking to your sister. Panic shot through you entire body. Was she harassing her again.

'Seems a bit pathetic to only have your sister as a friend.' She laughed.

'I don't even know you? I have other friends.' She said.

'Doesn't seem like it.' She laughed. 'But then again, I also wouldn't want to be friends with a noisy little rat like you.'

You ran over to Fae and grabbed her hand. You looked at Pansy and pulled her back.

'Leave her alone.' You sneered. 'I made myself very clear.'

'Fuck around and find out.' Pansy laughed. 'Stay away from my man, then I'll stay away from your sister.'

You didn't say anything and pulled Fae with you.

'What was she talking about? Why was she mean to me?'

'Nothing. She's crazy. Stay as far away from her as you can, okay?'

She looked up and nodded.

'Go. Run along. I'll be back later.'

She smiled and ran off to the common room. You had to head over to the room of requirement. Neville found it awhile ago and you had been practising with the D.A. there.

It was a gorgeous room. You really liked it. People were already beginning to understand the spells better. You really liked where it was going.

'Where have you been?' Ron asked when you walked in.

'Pansy was harassing my sister. But I dealt with it.'

You joined the line and looked around. A lot of people were struggling with their spells. Probably a new one they were learning. You stood of to the side.

'No need to practise?' Hermione asked.

'I've been practising charms for years. Not new to me.' You shrugged.

'Seems like someone's confident.' She smiled. 'Harry, come here.'

Harry walked over to you two. He stopped and looked at you. He crossed his arms.


'Teach her something more difficult. She thinks she can do everything.' Hermione laughed.

'Sounds like you.' Ron commented.

'Ronald weasley!' She exclaimed, offended as she walked towards him.

Harry raised his brows at you. You stepped away from the wall and grabbed your wand. Harry took you to a calm corner.

'Wand forward.'

You stood still and moved your wand up. You looked at him, waiting for the next step.

'Look forward and close your eyes.'

'Why?' You asked.

He smiled.

'The patronus charm.' Harry spoke. I'll explain it to you.'

You looked at him. He saw the excitement written all-over your face. You had waited long to learn this. If you could do this, you could do anything.

'Close your eyes.'

You closed your eyes and took a deep, calming breath.

'Empty your head and take a happy and powerful memory in your mind.'

You pictures your best memory.

'Open your eyes and speak very clearly; expecto patronum.' Harry said.

You opened your eyes and lifted up your wand.

'Expecto Patronum.' You spoke.

You didn't get it right away.. but after trying for longer, your patrons came to life. It slowly turned into your animal and started running around the room, before swirling around you.

'Well done, Y/N!' Hermione said.

People started asking to learn too. Harry laughed and promised them to teach it tomorrow.

It felt great to get some recognition for your abilities. You wished you didn't have to do it in secret.

'Are you guys staying for the holiday?' You asked.

Ron walked over to you.

'Hermione and Harry are joining me and my family for Christmas. Do you want to come?' He asked.

You looked at them. It sounded fun but you had already plannen more study sessions with Draco and made Christmas plans with your sister.

'No that's alright. I made plans here already.'

'That's a shame. Misses Weasleys Christmas sweaters are the best.' Harry grinned.

That was cute.

'Maybe next time.'

'You say that every year.' Ron pointed out.

You never accepted the invitation. It was like choosing another family over yours. You'd rather go home to your mother.

'Oh guys. We have an issue.' Cho said.

Everyone started grouping up. An issue? With the D.A? Were you caught?

'We have to be extra careful. Umbridge has recruited Malfoy and his friends to try and figure out what we are doing.' Neville said.

So that's why he was a prefect. Draco was such a typical person. It made you roll your eyes.

'Make sure you're not being followed while heading here.. and don't say a word to anyone.' Harry said. 'They can't find out anything.'

'Y/N, you're tutoring Malfoy-'

'So you think I'll tell him? Please, have a little trust in me. I hate him equally to you all.'

You knew that was quite true anymore. You actually had a lot of fun with him recently but you needed the D.A.s trust. They were your friends.

'We trust you, don't worry Y/N.' Hermione smiled.

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