16 ~ leaving without me

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TW/WARNING : mentions of underage drinking. Not meant to promote underage drinking. Please, don't drink if you're underaged. For story purposes only.


Draco stood at the stairs leading into the dungeon. He was waiting for you. He had been standing there for awhile and had lost all hope of you showing up. He should've known you weren't going to come. He turned around and started walking away.

'You better not be leaving without me.'

Draco turned around. He saw you heading down the stairs in the only dress you owned. He could see that it was old but it looked great on you. Tight in some places because you got it awhile ago. But tight in.. the right places.You looked at him. He was wearing a suit. Black. He looked very handsome in it.

'You made it.' He smiled. 'You look great.'

'Really? It's old. I was afraid it was too small.' You smiled while stepping of the last step of the stairs.

Draco caught himself inspecting you. He quickly met your eyes.

'Let's go?' You asked.

You started walking with him towards the party.

'Have you had alcohol before?' You asked.

'Yes. I think I've done a lot more things than you.' He laughed.

'On the hunt for ladies tonight then.' You joked.

'It's been awhile but no.' He grinned. 'I have more important things to do in my life, right now at least.' Draco smiled. 'I don't know who's going to be here, by the way. I know your friends aren't here.. but I don't know how many people you'll know.'

'It's alright. I'll manage.'

Draco took you to the party. It was a lot to take in. The room was decorated with a lot of Christmas decorations. There was silver and white Christmas garlands against the ceiling. A massive tree was standing the corner, completely decorated and lit up. Along the walls were lights with Christmas ornaments and the tables were filled with fake snow and Christmas centre pieces. Loud music was blasting and there was a massive table against the back wall with food and drinks.

'Draco! There you are.'

You watched as Pansy swung her arms around Draco and forced him to hug her. You didn't want her to see you with Draco so you decided to take that opportunity to slip away. You decided to wonder around a bit.

'Oh thank god she left.' Pansy laughed as she let Draco go.

Draco looked around. He didn't even notice you left.

'You're spending way too much time with..' She started. 'That.' She spoke with a face of disgust.

'I invited her.' Draco sighed. 'Excuse me, I have to go find her.'

Draco tried to get away but Pansy grabbed onto him.

'No! She's a filthy half-blood Hufflepuff, let's dance.'

She dragged him to the dancefloor. You were standing near the drinks table. They served very nice fruity drinks. You had 3 of those and some food as the night progressed. You didn't really know anyone here.

Draco had tried for the past hour to get away from Pansy. It was frustrating to him.

'I'm going to get a drink.' He said.

'Get me one too!' Pansy smiled.

Draco ran over to the drinks where he found you.

'Y/N.' He smiled.

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