18 ~ sounds fun

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The Christmas break was starting to come to an end.. and so was your report. While your friends left to go home long ago, you managed to keep up with your work and relax at the same time.

The past few days, you found yourself thinking about Draco at random moments. When you saw something funny, you couldn't wait to tell him. When you saw a treat that he liked, you almost brought it for him.

You hated it. Pansy wasn't leaving you alone and you didn't even know why your mind was playing those tricks on you.

Draco, who did remember the kiss started to become determined to win you over. He knew he liked you more than just an annoying hufflepuff and he wanted to know what this was that he was experiencing. He didn't know if it was love but he wanted to find out.. and he thought you were interested too. You gave him those vibes.

Draco was outside, wearing his gray long wintercoat. He was just heading back to the dungeons when he saw you sitting in the corner, reading.

'What are you doing here?' Draco asked.

You looked up from your book and noticed a smile appearing as soon as you saw him. Draco sat down besides you.

'A lot of slytherins, well most of them, are at home. It's less crowded here then in the common room.'

You closed your book and put it down. This was the first time you two were hanging our, outside of class or the study sessions. It was.. nice.

'It's nice to be at Hogwarts for a change.' Draco smiled. 'I usually go home too.'

'You didn't want to go this time?

Draco shrugged. You never really had meaningful conversations with each other. Yes you laughed together and talked about nonsense but this felt different.

'No I needed a break.' He replied.

'From your parents?'

Draco just nodded before turning his head to you. His gray, almost silver eyes staring into yours. You felt yourself starting to blush.

'Are you parents intense?'

'Well.. my dad is very reserved. Doesn't show much. I think he loves me but I'm unsure. My mum is an absolute angle. She'd do anything for me. Although she listens too much to my dad. I think we all do. He runs the house. Now that she's a malfoy I think she realises that she doesn't have a choice anymore.'

A choice. That was an interesting choice of words.

'A choice in what?' You asked.

'How to run her life.' He just said.

He clearly didn't want to go into too much detail. There was a immense story here. You could feel it.

'Do you have a choice?'

Draco let out a chuckled but his face quickly fell as he looked away from you. He fixed his face back to his charming self.

'No. Not at home. I can only decide what I do here. But even that's limited.' He said while looking back at you.

'Is that why you're such a jerk to everyone?'

'We have a standard to uphold. A status and an image. I'm a malfoy so I must act like one.'

That was sad. You were glad you never had to experience that.

'How about your home life?' Draco asked.

He wanted to change the subject but he was also very curious.

'Me? Oh well.. nothing special. We are all very close. My mum works a lot so I look after my sister. We are very close. She's very important to me. I promised mum I'd take care of her here.' You smiled. 'Mum is like my best friend. She really tries her best for us.'

'That sounds nice.' He smiled.

Draco always wanted to have a close family but it never seemed to happen for him.

'Can I ask you something?' Draco asked. 'I don't want to overstep.'

'Sure.' Your smiled.

'How about your father?' He asked.

You smiled and knew that this was what you could've expected.

'He was a muggle. Just a normal guy. He used to pay for our home before he passed. That's why we live smaller now. Mum was a stay at home mum.' You explained. 'One day he didn't come home from work. He was in a car accident. It was really bad. That was 4 years ago.'

Draco laid his hand on your shoulder and rubbed it shortly. He felt like you really started to trust him and he wanted to return the same.

'It's alright. I try to make the best of it. My life hasn't ended. It only just started.' You smiled.

'I think my life..my true, happy life.. starts after Hogwarts. Not before, not during.. After.' Draco said.

'Nothing can change that?' You asked.

'No. I don't think so.' He shrugged. 'But I've made peace with that.'

You just looked at each other for a moment.

'Weird question, tomorrow is new years eve.' You pointed out.

'It is.'

'Do you want to hang out in Hogsmeade?' You asked.

Draco smiled. He didn't know if you were asking him out of not but he wanted to go with you.

'I can show you the fireworks after.' He grinned.

'Alright. Sounds fun.'

Draco got up and put his hands in his pockets. He stopped and passed you a smile.

'I'll let you get back to reading. I'll see you tomorrow.'

Did you really just do that? Before you knew it you had already asked him. You felt nervous and a little sick just thinking about it.

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