10 ~ ew

206 11 6

New cover! Made by Cumberbatchie! Tysm I love it so much ♡♡


It went well then?' Fae asked.

'I guess. He's usually more mean.' You grinned.

Your classes just ended and you wanted to spend some time together. You often did that. You loved your sister too much to leave her alone. You wanted to know what was happening in her life. Especially since she just started her first year.

'How are things with you?' You asked.

'Great! I love casting spells and learning all of these new things. I miss you sometimes though.'

You laughed a little and rubbed the top of her head.

'I'm in the same house. We can hang out in the common room more.'

She was the cutest thing ever. You hoped she'd always stay like this.

'Wow.' She suddenly said.

You stopped and watched a whole bunch of students heading into the same direction. A whole bunch was an understatement. Almost the entire school was outside. You saw your friends heading in the same direction. You grabbed your sisters hand and hurried after them.

Everyone in hogwarts was super curious. They always wanted to know what was going on. This time, it seemed to be happening in the courtyard.

'Cho, w-what's going on?' You heard Harry ask.

He was right in front of you.

'It's professor Trelawney.' Cho just said.

You made your way to the courtyard. You pulled your sister towards the front of the crowd. Professor Trelawney stood in the centre. Her bags behind her. Umbridge was right in front of her.. smiling?

Of course this was her doing. You could've known. Ever since Umbridge arrived she had been making massive changes. 

'Sixteen years I have lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home.' Trelawney cried. 'You can't do this.'

'Actually I can.' Umbridge spoke while holding up a piece of parchment. 

You saw McGonagall hurry through the crowd towards her. He grabbed her tightly and pulled her against her while she cried. You held Fae's hand tightly.

'Is there something you'd like to say dear?' Umbridge asked McGonagall.'

'Oh, there are several things I would like to say.'

You were both startled when the doors swung open. A familiar face walked out. Someone you hadn't seen in awhile.

'Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?' Dumbledore asked.

McGonagall gave him a thankful look.

'Sybil, dear. This way.' McGonagall smiled.

Trelawney grabbed Dumbledores hand and thanked him once more.

'Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of Educational Degree Number 23, as enacted by the minister-'

'You have the right to dismiss my teachers.' Dumbledore finished her sentence. 'You do not , however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the Headmaster.'

'For now.' Umbridge grinned.

She was really taking over everything. You feared for the future of Hogwarts, with her there.

'Don't you all have studying to do?' He asked while turning around.

'Professor!' Harry yelled and he hurried after him.

Draco grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the crowd. You stumbled a bit and fell against him. Your arm was leaning against his chest while he took a few steps with you. He strong hand was wrapped around your upper arm, squeezing you tightly. He was strong. You looked up at him in shock.

'Hey! Let go of my sister!' Fae yelled

You totally forgot that you were still holding her hand. Draco stopped and looked down at her. You let her hand go.

'It's fine, Fae. Go along with your friends. I'm sure this is just about charms.'

'He just grab-'

'I know. I'm fine. Don't worry. Run along.'

She gave Draco a suspicious look before going to find her friends. You looked up at Draco who pulled you with him again.

'Are you going to keep dragging me along like a dog or are you going to speak to me.'

Draco looked over his shoulder and then down at you. You gave him an awkward smile before he stopped walking. He turned to you, his hand still holding you.

'We have class tomorrow and we haven't practised the spells.' He said. 'Classes are done and you didn't seem really busy.'

You looked at him and raised your brows. Draco looked at his hand and let you go right away.

'So you just decide to steal me?' You asked.

'Are you okay?'

You turned your head to see Hermione. Draco leaned a little forwards. His face immediately annoyed.

'Piss off, Granger.' He sneered.

'You just kidnapped my friend, I certainly won't be leaving.' She snapped back.

'Oh my god, ew.'

You looked up and saw Pansy grabbing onto Draco. He rolled his eyes and tried to push her away.

'For wizards sake, can't I talk to anyone here?' He asked. 'Get of me before I kill your owl.' He threatened.

She sighed and let him go.

'Why should you be talking to her?' Hermione asked.

Draco looked at you and opened his hand whole motioning to her. Like he was saying: go ahead and explain.

'I-uh.. I'm his tutor. For charms.' You said. 'We were trying to find a way to practise today. We have class tomorrow.'

'Ew, again?' Pansy sighed. 'We were going to hang out.'

'Pansy, we weren't. I told you I have to study.'

'And I said: let's study together.' She smiled while laying her head on his shoulder.

Hermione looked at you and raised her brows.

'I'll explain later. Go after Harry.'

She walked away while still looking at you. You looked at Pansy and raised your brows, hoping she'd get the hint.

'I'm coming with you.' She stated.

'I only signed up for one prick, not two.'

Pansy looked at you, clearly offended. She lifted up her head and looked at Draco for support. Which she didn't recieve.

'You only did this to get him all to yourself. It's not going to work.' She said.

'The day I end up with him, is the day you avada kedavra me.' You sighed.

'Trust me, I will.' Pansy threatened.

'Alright. Ladies let's calm it down. Go away Pansy, let us work.' Draco interfered.

Pansy scoffed and walked away. Draco watched her leave and turned back to you.

'Avada kedavra? Really? I'm not that bad.'

'The worst.' You sighed.

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