23 ~ without.. him

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Within days, you and Draco became closer and closer. What he warned you about was far in the back of your mind. You had to admit you had pushed the D.A. a bit back on your priorities.

You had missed a few training sessions over the past few weeks. You knew a lot about charms so you didn't think it was a big deal. You were focussed on finally making the best of your year.

'I think tomorrow we should-'

'Watch the stars at the astronomy tower?' You squealed in excitement.

Draco grinned.

'Read my mind.' He grinned.

'Draco Lucius Malfoy!'

Draco sighed and rolled his eyes, his smile immediately disappearing. Pansy had been acting like his mother. She was storming over to you.

'Again?!' She asked. 'You totally blew me off! We were supposed to help Umbridge today.'

Draco looked at her, unamused. He had a great time with you and he didn't want her to ruin it.

'Can you just like.. shut up for one day?' He asked. 'I have better things to do than that.. besides, you have Vincent en Gregory to help you.'

Pansy walked over to you and grabbed you by your robes. You were startled and looked at her.

'I warned you. Stop what ever spell you're using on him!' She yelled in your face.

Draco grabbed her arm and pulled her of you. He stepped between you two and pushed her back.

'She's only with you, for your money. She's a lying, stinking Hufflepuff.' Pansy spat at him. 'You'll regret this. Mark my words.'

She stormed off. Draco turned to you.

'Are you alright? Did she hurt you?'

'I'm fine.'

He sighed.

'She's lying.' You said. 'I didn't ask you out because of your money.'

He looked down at you with a smile.

'I know, princess.'

You continued to head inside but when you walked into the corridor, your friends were waiting for you. They didn't look happy.

'Y/N.. a word. Without.. him.' Harry snapped.

You looked at Draco.

'I wouldn't want to talk to him anyways. Its alright, I'll wait in the library. Thanks for the fun day.'

He passed you a smile before walking away.

'I don't know what's gotten into your but you're clearly no longer interested in the D.A.' Harry sneered.

'What's he done to you?' Ron asked.

You sighed. You had enough of all of this.

'Nothing. We were just hanging out.'

'With the guy who's bullied you and us for years!' Hermione exclaimed.

You really didn't know how to go about this. You didn't want to tell them what was going on. You had no idea where you and Draco were heading and you didn't want them to insert themselves in your dating life.. but you also hated this.

'I just think we've all soon a certain side of him and took that and went with it. He tried to be your friend in first year. You denied him and you have this rivalry ever since.' You pointed it. 'He isn't as 2D as you make him out to be.'

Your friends looked at you in pure confusion and disbelief.

'Also I know all the spells you're teaching the D.A. I'm not learning anything. Appart from the duel dolls that I've faught about 20 times.'

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