15 ~ happy Christmas

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TW/WARNING : mentions of underage drinking. Not meant to promote underage drinking. Please, don't drink if you're underaged. For story purposes only.


Draco found himself smiling as he went to the library to work with you. He started to enjoy these study sessions. He found himself looking forward to talk to you. He was carrying his bag with him.

'Hey.' Draco said as he sat down. He

'Happy Christmas.' You smiled.

'Oh yeah, that's today.' He grinned. 'Happy Christmas.'

He sat down and grabbed his book to continue working on your report. You had already divided everything. You two just met up to keep each other working.

Today the library was nearly empty. This was also because a lot of people went home. It was nice and quiet. A bit too quiet for Draco's liking though.

'Got any plans today?' He asked.

'Nah, just celebrating with my sister tonight.'

Draco smiled. He didn't really have anyone to celebrate with this year. Although pansy was probably going to ask him to do something.

'How about you?' You asked while finishing the sentence you were writing.

You looked up at him and saw him shrug.

'Got nothing today. Pansy might force me to hang out.'

You chuckled a little.

'Did you get anything this Christmas?' He asked.

'No. We don't do gifts.' You said. 'I never really get anything new, only my robes. My sister wears my old robes. We each only have one. So it's hard with cleaning.'

'Oh really?' He asked.

'Yeah.' Was all you said.

You turned back to your writing. Draco reached into his bag and placed a few things on the table. You didn't even look up. He was probably moving some things around.


You looked up and stared at the things on your table. You frowned.

'What's this?' You asked.

'Some new Hufflepuff robes. For you and your sister.. and a couple of galleons taken from my own money. You can send this home to your mum.' He said.

You looked at him, your mouth hanging open. Why was he doing this? Why did Draco Malfoy get you and present.

'I-I can't accept this.' You said.

'You have no choice. It's Christmas.' He grinned. 'Harry Christmas. Thank you for your help with charms. In return for, all I ask is that you keep helping me. I might need some pointers next year too.'


'Take it. I saw the way you stressed out when I changed the colour of your robes so I knew you two needed this.. and I'm sure your mother can use the help.' He said. 'Also I feel very guilty about the comment I made about your dad so this is also another apology.'

You were baffled. You slowly reached over and grabbed them. You inspected them. Perfect condition. These could last you all through your last years.

'I don't know what to say.' You said.

You reached over to the little bag filled with money.

'Your parents-'

'I have my own money and allowance. They don't know what I do with this.' He said. 'Also I have something else to ask.'

'No please. No more. I don't have anything I can offer you.'

'Don't worry. There's a Christmas party. I'm inviting you. It's for people who don't go home. Your sister can't come though. There's alcohol.'

You looked at him. You had never had alcohol before because you were only 15.

'Draco, that's illegal.'

'Yes.. and it's fun.' He grinned. 'Don't tell me you've never had a drink before.'

You didn't answer. That told him enough. He laughed.

'What? It's not funny! It's illegal.'

'Live a little. Please?' He asked.

Did Draco just ask you please? You sighed.

'I'll think about it.'

'It's tomorrow night. So think quickly.' He grinned.

You focused back on your writing and so did he. It was quiet again for a moment. Until someone walked in. Draco looked up.

'Look, it's him.' Draco whispered.

You looked up and saw another Slytherin boy. You had no idea who he was. Draco looked at him. The boy made eye contact with him and then quickly continued walking, he was clearly avoiding Draco.

'Who's that?' You asked, quietly.

'You don't know him?' Draco asked. 'He's the biggest snake in the Slytherin house.'

Draco closed his book and moved over to the chair besides you. Was he going to gossip with you? You really liked that. You didn't like to be part of drama, but you did like hearing about it.

Draco leaned in so he could whisper to you. You smelled his familiar cologne, which made you smile. Why were you smiling. Without realising you and Draco had become friends.

'He basically told everyone he was a pureblood. He was bragging on and on, bullying people with other bloodstatus, like we do.' Draco whispered. 'He bragged about how he rich he was and that he was the most superior slytherin. Which of course, isn't true. I mean have you met me.'

That made you laugh. Just the way he said it. Draco laughed with you.

'Anyway, he almost beat up a guy last week for being halfblood, right.' Draco continued. 'It was a big thing with Snape mad, detention and almost expelled. All the works.'

You were very invested in this story.

'Turns out he's some low life half-blood, from a poor family. He made it all up! Someone found out and told the entire slytherin house. Everyone hates him.'

'No way.' You spoke. 'That's messed up.'

'I know. Its a massive scandal.'

You laughed a little together. Draco stared at you. You smiled brightly at him for a moment. It made him weak, and smile too. It even got him a feeling a little hot. There was something about your innocence and true happiness that made his ice cold Malfoy heart melt. He gently placed his hand on your arm.

'I really hope I see you tomorrow. It's in the dungeon. I'll be waiting.'

You nodded and smiled. He gathered his things and put them in his bag. You grabbed your gifts and put them away.

'I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully.'

'Bye, Draco.' You smiled.

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