Chapter one: Southside

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|The Gates|

"Many ways in but only one way out"

|This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are purely products of the authors imaginations. Warning: book will contain abuse, drugs, and sexual situations. If uncomfortable with any of these topics, I suggest you don't read. Also, there are time skips within each chapter, unless told otherwise.|

Chapter one: Southside

I don't care who's with it. It's you and me against the world, Tell me those three words - Lloyd ft Ashanti

 It's you and me against the world, Tell me  those three words - Lloyd ft Ashanti

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Tyra Imani White

I've loved Spank ever since we were kids. How do you know you're in love with someone, when you can't even tie your shoe yet? I knew it. I knew it with all my heart. I would stare at him, in class all day, and imagine our future together. Or I'd just think about how he was the most beautiful human I had even seen. "F*ck you staring at?" He would answer. From pulling my pigtails, to calling me names, Spank would make me cry everyday, but still I knew I loved him. The years dragged on and my love for him seemed to fade. I was fine with just being his friend, but I was still heartbroken when he was kicked out of our school. When he left I was a thin metal mouthed girl, and when he came back I had developed. 

Feelings started to change between us. "Why not,He's cool," I whined. "No," Spank frowned sounding more like my parent rather than my friend. "I don't like the way he looks at you," Spank fumed. What? I raised my eyebrow, My friend was starting to sound like a jealous boyfriend. "Only I can look at you like that," Spank demanded placing his plump lips onto mine, delivering me my first kiss. I pulled away, unable to stop the butterflies. 

Feelings really started to change when we got into high school. I wanted to continue in a relationship, and Spank wanted to follow in the footsteps of his brothers. Spank is the youngest and everyone knows his brothers Scooby and Santana. They practically terrioze The Gates housing projects. The Gates are small, consisting of only four blocks but those four blocks are filled with crime, gangs, shooting, and anything else you could think of. The Gates is a "small tattered building where roaches and crackheads frequent," My dad says. Honestly, anything I've ever heard about the Gates came from my dad. I'm adopted and he's a silver haired, no-nonsense catholic, preacher. Needless to say, I'm not allowed in the Gates. But according to Spank, "If you not from the Gates, you better not step foot in there." So I guess its a good thing I've never been there. Santana, Scooby, and Spank have been there all their lives. "Born here, gone die here," Spank often told me, and that scared me the most. 

Gripping my books, I leaned on my locker, trying to process all the thoughts that were flowing around in my head. "Girl, I been looking for you all over," My mocha skinned Bestfriend Mel exclaimed. Mel and I had been friends forever. I told her everything and trusted her with all my secrets. Although Mel wasn't my only best-friend, she was the Bestfriend I had known the longest. Shanti was my other Bestfriend. She was older than us, and out of school. Shanti was loud-mouthed and always kept her hair in different colors. "Spank's been looking for you too," Mel snapped me out of my thoughts. "Where is he, in class," I asked. Mel narrowed her eyes at me. "Now, you know Spank aint in no school," She chuckled as I rushed down the hallway and out the door. I quickly spotted Spank's car parked across the street from the school, as he sat in it smoking. 

"Why you not in class," I asked slipping into the front seat of his Camaro. I looked over at him. His peanut butter skin was covered in tattoos, from his neck to his arms, and even a few on his face. His eyes were red and low, as he removed the blunt from his plump lips. "Why you in class," He chuckled with a wide smile, that showcased his grill. "Spank," I whined as he put his blunt out. "Stop playing, this is serious," I crossed my arms with a pout. He softly gripped my thigh, and I immediately hated I wore a skirt today. "You look good today," He caressed my thigh. I couldn't help, but to blush. I rolled my eyes trying to suppress my blush. "Baby, you look good," He repeated placing soft butterfly kisses on my neck. I felt his hand slid up my skirt. "Spank," I whined, as he massaged my center. Feeling the unfamiliar feeling of his finger enter me, I let out a shaky breath. "Spank," I gripped his hand, "W-wait." He gave me a look, but still removed his hands. "A finger's not going to make you not a virgin," He stressed "not." "We should get to class," I quickly changed the subject. I tried to get out of his car but felt a hand on my shoulder. "We should go," I spoke quickly, still feeling nervous from our recent transaction. "Aren't you coming," I asked. He shook his head no. "I'm dropping out," He shrugged.

 I narrowed my eyes at him. Spank joked a lot but at the moment I saw no sign of playing. "What," I asked. "Tyra-," He started. "No," I held up my finger. "Is this about Santana and Scooby," I asked. "They finished high-school," I added. "Why they need you to drop out," I asked. "Tyra, I don't need a lecture,I made my decision," He said. I couldn't understand why they cared more about making money in the Gates, then they cared about their brother's education. "They making you drop out, so you can what? Go to jail every 5-7 business days like them. So you can what? Make their drug money," I asked with a frown. "It's my money too," He shrugged. He let out a long sigh. "I've decided what I wanted, and it aint school," He shrugged. "School aint doing sh*t for me," He added. I let out a sigh but cupped his face. "I support you through whatever," I simply said. I love Spank. If you love your man, you tell him when he's wrong, but if he don't listen there's nothing you can do but respect his decision. Spank softly pecked my lips. "You riding," He asked. "Until the wheels fall off," I answered. boom, boom. I couldn't help but pull away to try and figure out the loud noise that was practically at Spank's window.

 "Tyra," I heard a deep voice scream making me jump out of the car. I knew that voice from anywhere. "I got a call from your teacher, you weren't in class," The disappointment in my dad's icy blue eyes caused tears to well in mine. I was a daddy's girl and even him looking at me that way broke my heart. "I-I," I stuttered. "What are you doing out here," He frowned. "It's my fault sir, she-," Spank started to speak but was cut off by a scoff from my dad. My dad gripped my arm and as he walked me back into the school, he said "I've told you to stay away from that family of drug dealers before, You deserve much better than hoodlum trash, so I don't ever want to see you with him again." 

| Author's Note: Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to read! Please, Leave  feedback |

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