Ch. 14

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Look! i actually updated pretty quickly!!(: haha hope you like it!(:

** Picture of Tylie's dirt bike on the side(: 

Ryker jumped off me so quickly you would have thought I was on fire. He was off of me and on the other side of the tent before either of us looked up to see who had caught us.

“You two are so lucky that I found you and not Holden,” I had never been so relieved to see Erik in my entire life but I was still embarrassed that he found us. I felt all the blood rush to my face as I blushed, I turned over and hid my face into Ryker’s pillow.

“Dude, you can’t do that! You scared the living shit out of me! I thought you were Holden, my life flashed before my eyes thinking I was going to die,” Erik just busted up laughing; he was laughing so hard it was making me laugh. He may have embarrassed me but Ryker’s reactions were hilarious! I was practically rolling on the floor laughing with Erik when Holden walked up. I sobered up pretty quickly and I watched Ryker’s face go white but Erik just kept laughing.

“Dude, Tylie and I just scared the shit out of Ryker! We told him there was a snake in the tent and he about pissed his pants, you should have seen it,” he continued to laugh, the though of Ryker jumping up and squealing like a girl popped into my mind and it made me start giggling again. Holden just shook his head at us and walked away. As soon as he was out of hearing rang a pillow knocked me in the face.

“Was that really necessary?” I asked Ryker, he glared at me. “What?”

“If you two hadn’t been laughing like hyenas Holden wouldn’t have come over here.”

“Who cares that he did?  Erik covered it up.” I stated and turned to a calmed down Erik, “Nice cover by the way!”

“Alright I want to leave so you get to help me,” I said pointing to Erik, “And you need to get dressed and ready.” I pointed to Ryker. I walked out of the tent and toward the coolers. I barely heard Ryker ask what we were doing but I ignored him, maybe if I didn’t tell him he’d move faster.

          An hour later we were all sitting in the Yukon, Holden and Zave in the front seat and I was in the middle of Erik and Ryker. We were almost to the spot to unload and I was almost jumping out of my skin in excitement.

“Woman, chill we are almost there,” Erik told me, getting sick of me not being able to sit still.

“I want to ride,” I almost yelled back.

“You’ll get to ride all day; waiting 10 more minutes isn’t going to kill you.”

“Um… yeah it could, we could get in an accident and then I wouldn’t get to ride,” Erik just rolled his eyes. Before Holden had the car parked I was pushing Ryker out the door and climbing out.

“So who is riding what?” I heard Zave ask.

“Well I call riding the Kawasaki,” Erik said running over to the dirt bike. As he was about to touch it all you heard was all the guys tell him not to touch the bike and back away from it.

“You better get away from my bike Erik,” I told him in a deadly voice, no one touched my bike, let alone rode it.

“You—ride a dirt bike, hahahaha, that’s funny Tylie—you’re a girl, girls don’t ride!” he busted up laughing. “You don’t do sports, yet you ride? You don’t look strong enough to even hold the bike up darling.” Now he was just mocking me. One of my most well kept secrets was that I loved to ride dirt bikes; I know I look really girlie and not very muscular but riding always helped clear my mind. I loved it so much.

“Hey Ty, I want you in full gear this time, we don’t need a recap of last time please.” Holden yelled over to me as he unloaded the machines we needed.

“What happened last time?” Ryker asked me, looking a little concerned.

“Well I misjudged a jump and landed wrong and wrecked pretty bad, I had scraped all over the place. I was pretty sore for a while after that one,” I laughed it off but cringed of the memory of cleaning all my wounds on my legs and arms. I pulled the helmets out and handed them to Ryker and told him which went to whom. Even though it was extremely hot out I put on my full gear because knowing me I would be stupid enough to crash again and at least the gear would keep me a little safer.

          When I walked back over to the group I noticed almost everyone was ready. Erik had his helmet on and was standing over by Holden’s dirt bike, I don’t think he will last long on it but why not let him try. Ryker was on my red 250 Kawasaki, waiting for the group to be ready before putting his helmet on; he caught me looking at him and smirked at me. Zave was on my brothers and Holden was on our dad’s.

“We ready to go?” I asked them all.

“Hell yes! Let’s get this show on the road!” Holden yelled.

“Lets race Tylie, I bet I can beat you,” Erik egged me on.

“Dude, that is not a good idea,” Holden warned, I waved my brother off.

“No, let’s race Erik,” I smiled at him sweetly. If he wanted to race, we were going to race and I was going to show him how good I really was.

I got on my dirt bike and took it off the kick stand, I stood up and stomped on the starter, it roared to life instantly. Erik had problems starting his and Ryker had to come over and start it for him. I held the clutch in and reved the engine, signaling I was ready. When Erik finally made it over to the starting line we got ready. Holden was at the starting line with us and down the road a ways Ryker and Zave were our finish point.

“You can still back out Erik, I don’t want you pouting all day because your pride got hurt from being beat by a girl.” I called over to him

“Nice try Tylie, let’s just do this already.”

“On your mark…. Get set…. Go…” as soon as Holden yelled go I hit the gas and let out my clutch, shooting me ahead before Erik had time to move. I quickly shot into second and then third, sliding between gears in a breeze. When I saw Ryker and Zave I switched to fourth, pushing the bike faster. I looked behind me in the process, Erik was far behind me. When I neared the boys I shifted down to first pulled the brake and clutch, swung the bike sideways spraying gravel and stopped the bike. A good 20 seconds later Erik stopped next to me.

“How the hell did you do that?”

“Do what?” I asked

“Beat me!” he yelled, not angry just extremely surprised.

“Dude, we tried to tell you, she’s been riding for years. She can beat pretty much all of us. She knows her way around a dirk bike!”

“Why did you freaking tell me this earlier?”

“We tried!” All of the guys yelled at him.

ok so i was really bored in English today and i just started writing and i actually came up with a pretty decent new story idea and i was thinking of attempting it but i really need help with a good guy name! it kind of needs to be mysterious and dark.. if you've got any good names let me know!!(: haha 

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